Don't go on that convoy unprotected. Better to have it and not need it.


It's not me, it's in the cards. Which I wrote, four days ago.


Charlie, let Nick stay gone.


I want results, Charleston, not updates.


David: Exactly how much of the First Amendment would you like us to ignore to kill the interview?
Charlie: That depends, how many lives would we want to save?

Omar Fatah and Shaik a Kam have just built the biggest terrorist network we've ever seen.

Mr. Logan, in the interest of national security and American lives I would ask that you please hold off on airing this interview.


You know Vera. Find him.

Constance (to Charlie)

Somebody tell me who is Nick Vera and why were there bullets from his CIA registered weapon found in my son?


Do you know who I am?


Charleston, the bullets that killed Aaron came from a CIA registered weapon. I know for a fact that gun belonged to Nick Vera.


It's still there, you know, with us. It doesn't go away.


State of Affairs Quotes

Good doesn't have to come. I do.


He was killed in a terrorist attack. That's what happened, and I made it out. And, now I have to deal with it. I have to deal with it everyday from now on and it sucks.
