You aren't Judasing, are you Greg?


Kendall: What's up?
Greg: Yeah. I don't know.
Kendall: Talk to me.
Greg: I don't know. I am uh, just a bit scared, like, I don't. You know, I don't really want to go to congress again. I-I-I'm kind of too young to be in congress so much, you know?

Oh, there he is. The little man who started this big war.


I hope that you're not anxious that you, you know, chained yourself to a fire hydrant that spews out cultural insensitivity and sperms.


Kendall: You tell yourself that you're a good person, but you're not a good person. Right now, I'm the real you.
Shiv: What? Sure. You're the real me, and I'm the real you. Yeah. Whatfuckingever.

Logan: Have you spoken to Marcia? Has someone connected?
Hugo: She's available, we hear. You want to reach out?
Logan: Yes, I want to fuckin' reach out, Hugo! I'm stuck in quicksand. My family disappeared. The world is wobbling here. DOES NO ONE UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? I'm losing juice! I can't find the right fucking lawyer! The sky is falling in, so when I say something, it fucking happens! We have to ACT on the world, the fucking world. We have to act!

Kendall: OK. I can't do that right now. I have bigger fish.
Lisa: Bigger fish than staying out of prison?

It's good to know we don't have an unbalanced love portfolio.


Ewan: Why do you need a lawyer, Greg?
Greg: I mean, I haven't done anything wrong, I-I I just think if everyone's showing up to battle in armor, then I feel kinda exposed here in my loincloth. Bad visual.

Connor: You know, Pop's looking for you two.
Shiv: Yeah, we're here on his behalf.
Connor: Oh, sure thing, honey. Me too. All about dad. That's why we're all here.

Kendall: It's our time.
Roman: Oh, you mean us? This multi fuckin' ethnic transgender alliance of twenty-something dreamers we got right here?

Roman: Mmm. There's just something about betraying our father that just doesn't sit well with me.
Kendall: He's a central player in a rotten cabal that has basically eaten the heart out of American democracy.
Roman: Rotten Cabal is a good name for a band.

Succession Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Kendall: What's up?
Greg: Yeah. I don't know.
Kendall: Talk to me.
Greg: I don't know. I am uh, just a bit scared, like, I don't. You know, I don't really want to go to congress again. I-I-I'm kind of too young to be in congress so much, you know?

You aren't Judasing, are you Greg?
