Wait. Wait, if he's the target, maybe he should get his own room!


Greg: Maybe we should try to get outside!
Tom: No, Greg! This is the safe room! This is the panic room! We're safe here!
Greg: What? How is it safe? It's just a room!

Excuse me! Excuse me! Executives coming through! Gangway!


Tom: And what, specifically, do you find interesting about that period of history?
Mark: The scale. The tragedy.
Tom: Hell, yeah. And which tragedies specifically?
Mark: Europe decimated. Seven million Germans, twenty million Russians, five million Poles.
Tom: Yeah. Just, just checkin' the till here, Mark, and it seems you're short a few million.

Tom: OK, so, this is embarrassing, but just for the record and just so we have it. You are not and have never been a member of the Nazi party of the United States, have you?
Mark: Come on, Tom. You serious? Nope.
Tom: Thank you. Sorry to even have to ask. Uh. Bup bup bup ahhh. Oh yes. The Hitler thing?
Mark: The Hitler dog thing is bullshit.
Tom: Great! Great. I thought so.
Mark: Different spelling.
Tom: OK? Different spelling? OK. And another one that's come up, just to fend this off. Have you ever read Mein Kampf?
Mark: Ehhhh, yeahhhh? Couple times, I guess.
Tom: Couple times? Were there Easter eggs in there you didn't get the first time?

No one's ever gone bust overestimating the American public's interest in violence.


Logan: Please, stay. Have lunch.
Rhea: Oh, my tummy is very delicate. We really only eat Pulitzer over at Pierce.

Rhea: Well, that was exciting. Smuggled in like Cleopatra in the carpet.
Kendall: Yeah, sorry for the cloak and dagger.
Rhea: Rhea Jurell. And you must be Oedipus Roy.

Tom: So, uh, Herr Ravenhead. Do you have anything for me ahead of my meet?
Greg: Um, honestly, I've been, uh, I've been asking around and not much. Uh, I heard he named his dog after Hitler's dog. Maybe? Blondie?
Tom: That's not good. But, Logan likes and America likes, and Blondie's pretty common.
Greg: No, but I mean, fascist meeting, Nazi wedding, Hitler dog?
Tom: Oh, dude, if it's true, he's gone. I mean, Nazi's. Terrible, right?
Greg: Nazis?
Tom: Yeah.
Greg: Yeah, they're the worst.
Tom: Yeah, sure. We all hate Nazis. We all hate Syd, right Jonah?

Gerri: So, uh, how is it going?
Roman: Oh, amazing. I'm stripping back to basics. This is my White Album.
Gerri: Is it very horrible ... in America?
Roman: Oh, yes, it's glorious. Yeah. No amount of antibacterial gel is going to be able to wipe the America off me.

It's like you and your dad have finally admitted how much you're into each other, you know? And now you can, no, not this, but now you can bang.


Succession Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Gerri: So, uh, how is it going?
Roman: Oh, amazing. I'm stripping back to basics. This is my White Album.
Gerri: Is it very horrible ... in America?
Roman: Oh, yes, it's glorious. Yeah. No amount of antibacterial gel is going to be able to wipe the America off me.

It's like you and your dad have finally admitted how much you're into each other, you know? And now you can, no, not this, but now you can bang.
