So I hereby convene the meeting of the newly formed "what the fuck are we gonna do" committee.


Logan: I like you, Greg.
Greg: Oh, oh, oh, OK. Right.
Logan: I do. I like you. What did he say?
Greg: He threatened to cut me off.
Logan: He won't do that. He's too much of a fuckin' coward. That's why his whole life has amounted to nothing. But you know, in the end, it's up to you, kiddo. Mmm?
Greg: Yeah.
Logan: Uncle Fun or Grandpa Grumps.

Jennifer: Has anyone ever told you that you talk about your dad, like, a lot?
Kendall: [laughs nervously] Uh, OK. Uh, no. I don't think they have.

Is Rhea really the worst thing in the world, or does a woman from outside actually make sense right now?


In terms of the lives that will be lost by his whoring for the climate change deniers, there's a very persuasive argument to be made that he's worse than Hitler.


The Logan Roy School of Journalism. What's next, the Jack the Ripper Women's Health Clinic?


Hugo: Uh, they're asking if you want to stay for lunch.
Logan: Fuck no.
Hugo: I'll be sure to feed that back to them. Fuck no. Got it.

But when we're out on the other side of this all, it's you. I'm telling you now. It's always been you.


Rhea: I'm sorry. I have to ask. Why are you trying to fuck me?
Kendall: Trying to fuck you? What do you mean?
Rhea: Rose? We both know what that was.
Kendall: If anything, I'm just mildly offended on behalf of my sister and Frank, Gerri. And I wonder about the optics, but hey, my dad knows. So, yeah.
Rhea: Even so, I don't know how you've done it, frankly. What with everything you've been through.

Rhea: Wow. A whole school for how to intern at a clickbait aggregator.
Kendall: Yeah, ten reasons why you're never getting paid.

Roman: And did I hear that your mother, is this true, she volunteers for the democratic socialist?
Tom: Oh my! God folks, watch out. We got a libtard in the punchbowl.

Roman: Oh, and one more thing real quick. Should weeee get married?
Gerri: What?
Roman: You know, not that. An equivalent. The think. Like I abduct you and force you to live with me.
Gerri: That's not equivalent.
Roman: Then you kill me. You chop my dick off, you know? Something. I'm kidding, but you know what I'm saying. You eat me. I eat you. Like they do in Germany. Anyway, it's a lot to think about. I get it. So let it [wiggles fingers by his head]. Bye.

Succession Quotes

Shiv: God he looks terrible. He looks like a frozen corpse.
Tom: Yeah, he looks waxy, like an unshaven candle.

Ragnar: A public and personal declaration of withdrawal could be really helpful. You OK, mate?
Kendall: Yeah.
Ragnar: Yeah, you could do this. You could stop it.
Kendall: OK, yeah. I mean. My dad wants me to do it, uh, I'll, I'll do it. [reading note] 'I saw their plan. Dad's plan is better.'
Ragnar: How you feel? You look good.
Kendall: Yeah, I feel, uh, I feel good.