Nan: Let me explain something.
Logan: Oh, please.
Nan: You can't put a value on what we do.
Logan: Funny, I have put a value on what you do.
Nan: Well, if you won't budge, then I'm afraid we have no deal.
Logan: Then we're done. [goes to the door] Ahh, would you like to hear my favorite passage from Shakespeare? Take the fuckin' money.

Tom: Anybody get into any fun last night?
Tabitha: Fun?
Roman: Ummm, I jerked off in Gerri's bathroom last night.
Tabitha: So classy of you.
Roman: Um, it's OK. It was actually her idea. I think I really got the old gal's juices flowin'.
Gerri: Even as a joke, that is a stomach-turning thought.

Gerri: Oh dear God.
Roman: Hi. I was hoping we could touch base about my entire future being Hindenberged? On the Romanity.

Roman: Yeah. You shouldn't be turned on because dead women aren't wet.
Tabitha: Right. OK. Umm.
Roman: It's kind of ruining the realism.

Naomi: You're such a little nothing, aren't you
Kendall: Uh huh. Maybe.

Mark: Roman, what's happening?
Roman: My life just ended?

Nan: And any thought given on to whom you might hand over the keys?
Kendall: Why madam, that is very forward.
Nan: And you're no fun! We're all friends here now. Aren't we?
Logan: Well, um, Gerri is on the paperwork as a stop-gap, but even she'd be the first to admit that she couldn't really do the job.
Gerri: Well, maybe the second to admit.
Logan: Uh, there is a name, but you know, I really don't like to deal in hypotheticals.
Rhea: Mmmm. He's an enigma.
Logan: Well, one day.
Rhea: What a tease, folks.
Nan: Just whisper it in my ear.
Logan: You know, I'll start to think I'm not wanted.
Shiv: Just... You can...
Logan: Well, you know, I'm...
Shiv: Oh, for fuck's sake. Dad, just tell 'em it's gonna be me.

What? Us having a baby? No, we're not planning to have a baby because that would require us having sex.


Shiv: This is what happens. You're given the keys to the castle and then you get paralyzed staring into the eyes of the cobra.
Tom: They're riding me pretty hard in there. Do you think I should fight back more?
Shiv: You know, then? He smells the vacillation and then he's got you. You're done. He's juicing another lemon.
Tom: Wouldn't it be nice if you stopped beating up on me, too?
Shiv: What?
Tom: Maybe you could stop beating up on me, too?
Shiv: What? That's just nothing. That's silly. Well, no one cares.
Tom: Well, technically, I care. I care.
Shiv: Sometimes you say stupid things. He's got me second-guessing myself. I'm wavering on landing the best strategy for a deal that I don't even like. I really want this.
Tom: I know.
Shiv: Really, I want to be sitting at that table.
Tom: Hey, hey, listen to me. You are sitting at the table. You are.

Money is a virtual construct whereas integrity, virtue -- these things actually exist.


Maxim: Well, you can't change Washington without knowing Washington. Can you name me one member of the House Congress Committee?
Connor: Oh, uh, yeah. I think I know one. Representative Ferdinand D. Who Gives a Shit from the great state of No One Fucking Cares.
Maxim: Well, I'm convinced. Clear some space on Mount Rushmore folks!

Romulus, when you laugh, please do it in the same volume as everyone else. We didn't get you from a hyena farm.


Succession Quotes

Shiv: God he looks terrible. He looks like a frozen corpse.
Tom: Yeah, he looks waxy, like an unshaven candle.

Ragnar: A public and personal declaration of withdrawal could be really helpful. You OK, mate?
Kendall: Yeah.
Ragnar: Yeah, you could do this. You could stop it.
Kendall: OK, yeah. I mean. My dad wants me to do it, uh, I'll, I'll do it. [reading note] 'I saw their plan. Dad's plan is better.'
Ragnar: How you feel? You look good.
Kendall: Yeah, I feel, uh, I feel good.