Sam: Just watch Adam.
Bobby: How? You may have noticed, he has a slight height advantage.

Dean: So, why don't you just tell us everything. Start from the beginning.
Adam: Well, I was dead and in Heaven... except it--it, uh, kind of looked like my prom. And I was making out with this girl. Her--her name was Kristin McGee.
Dean: Yeah, that sounds like Heaven. Did you get to third base?
Sam: Just, uh... just keep going.

Bobby: You can't give up, son.
Dean: You're not my father. And you ain't in my shoes. (Bobby takes out a bullet) What is that?
Bobby: That's the round I mean to put through my skull. Every morning, I look at it, and I think.. "Maybe today's the day I flip the lights out." But I don't do it. I never do it. You know why? Because I promised you I wouldn't give up!

Zachariah: All they care about upstairs, ain't it? Results, results, results. They don't know. They're not down on the ground, in the mud, nose to nose with all you pig-filthy humans. Am I right?
Stuart: Absolutely - filthy what?
Zachariah: I mean, whatever happened to personal loyalty? How long have I worked for these guys. Five millennia? Six?
Stuart: Seems like it, doesn't it.
Zachariah: Damn straight it does.

Dean: And the Enochian exorcism?
Castiel: Fake. It actually means, "You, um, breed with the mouth of a goat." It's funnier in Enochian.

Castiel: This creature has the power to take a human's form, read minds. Book of Revelations call her the "Whore of Babylon."
Dean: Well, that's catchy.

Sam: What's wrong with you? Are you... drunk?
Castiel: No! Yes.
Sam: What the hell happened to you.
Castiel: I found a liquor store.
Sam: And?
Castiel: I drank it.

Dean: 'Course, that's if you can get past the velvet rope. Must be nice--being chosen.
Leah: Well, Dean... you're chosen.
Dean: More like cursed.

No drinking, no gambling, no pre-marital sex. Dean, they basically just outlawed 90% of your personality.


The worst was the smell. The pain, well... what can you say about your skin bubbling off? But the smell was so... You know, for a second, I thought I left a pot roast burning in the oven. But.. it was my meat. And then, finally, I was dead.


See, you got to stop thinking of Heaven as one place. It's more like a buttload of places. All crammed together. Like Disneyland. Except without all the anti-Semitism.


Wow. Running from angels... on foot... in Heaven. With out-of-the-box thinking like that, I'm surprised you boys haven't stopped the Apocalypse already.


Supernatural Season 5 Quotes

Dean: Where's Cass?
Chuck: He's dead. Or gone. The archangel smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry.
Dean: You're sure? I mean, maybe he just vanished into the light or something.
Chuck: Oh, no. He exploded. Like a water balloon of chunky soup.

Dean: Do I know you?
Becky: No, but I know you.