Sandra: Oh, you think I should apologize?
Carol: Well, you almost made me kill my cat.
Sandra: I did that?
Carol: You stole Jerry from me, you rubbed your wedding in my face for months, and then you asked me to be your maid of honor? i mean, that was just cruel.
Sandra: You told me I had to.
Carol: I don't know, Amy. It seems like she's not ready to take responsibility.

Jonah: Where's Tommy's number?
Cheyenne: Oh, he didn't want to put it on there. He thinks you're a spy for Gateway Subs. Like, you're a nark or something.

Amy: Okay Parker, here you go! Don't worry about Rose, you just focus on your game.
Jonah: Come on, Parker! Eat her alive!

Sayid: He still uses a pacifier? So you're not worried about dental problems? Speech delays? Looking lame?
Amy: No! He'll give it up when he's ready.
Jonah: Yeah...yeah. We decided to let him keep it. Even though those are all valid points.
Amy: I thought we were on the same page about this. Are you the one taking his pacifiers?
Jonah: I was gonna give them back when he learned moderation.

Every night we give him a bath. We read him stories. We sing him to sleep in his crib.


He looked like a really good dad.


Amy: Yeah, I think maybe you don't want to post those. Cause of like, optics, right? I mean, it could come off that Zephra employees get paid so little that they rely on charity.
Isabel: Oh! I don't really think anyone's connecting those dots.

Sandra: You have five minutes to tell Amy, or I will.
Jonah: Tell Amy what?
Sandra: How you were flirting with that lady. Turning each other's cranks. I thought you two were gonna do it right here on the belt.
Jonah: Oh, come on! Sandra, I was just being friendly. Customers appreciate a little, you know, human connection.
Sandra: Ugh. Close your legs, Jonah.
Jonah: My legs are fine. And if anything, we should be a little friendlier than usual today to get people to round up for charity.
Sandra: Not if it means betraying the woman you love. Trust me. I'm married now. Don't you dream about someday having what Jerry and I have?
Jonah: Of course! But, well, exactly what you and's fine, Sandra.

Sandra: I feel like Zephra cares.
Jonah: Well, let's not just blindly believe the t-shirts. Although, Zephra is a fine company, which I am not critizing today as was made clear to me in the car. But, guys! Amy set this whole thing up. I mean, she chose the charity. She got local businesses to donate goods.

Okay, I'm confused. Is Zephra good or bad?


It was revenge for acting like I'm the crazy one! I even got Ken to act weird around him, too.


I overreacted to the whole muting thing. I just had a really hard year. My birds flew away. My dad turned out to be a big nothing. I can't even remember the last time I had a boyfriend. Even Sandra got married. Who saw that coming?


Superstore Season 5 Quotes

It was nice of corporate to wait an entire week before they reminded us we're just as replaceable as Mateo.


Jonah: I think he likes Taylor Swift.
Cheyenne: No, he's back to hating her again.