James: Oh, fuck. You’ll have to go over the bridge.
Sophie: It’s worth it. I have to face my fears someday, right?

Sophie: Were you the officer assigned to my case?
Baden: There is no case. I’m the case. No one knows about this except me and you.

James: I thought we agreed to put that behind us.
Sophie: Maybe that's easier for you than for me. You know what happened. You were there. But for me, it's all a blur.

Sophie: Why did you say that about my husband?
Baden: It's usually the person that's closest to the victim that's responsible.
Sophie: But I'm not a victim.
Baden: That's only because you survived.

Sometimes it's hard not knowing your own secrets.

Sophie [to Caroline]

Sophie: I need you to know something. What happened before will never, ever happen again. The girl who did that, I don't even recognize. However fucked up I might be, I don't want to die.
James: I know.

Surface Quotes

Sophie: I need you to know something. What happened before will never, ever happen again. The girl who did that, I don't even recognize. However fucked up I might be, I don't want to die.
James: I know.

Baden: Your husband's coming. Look he's not who you think he is, okay? He's not telling you everything.
Sophie: What are you talking about?
Baden: You ever think there's more to what happened on the boat that day?