Hicks: You guys got smoked out there. Street's screw-up, that on him or Hondo?
Deacon: The kid's new to SWAT. It'll take a second to get him together.
Hicks: I have my doubts Hondo's the guy to do it.
Deacon: You hired him.
Hicks: Optics. We had to lower the racial temperature in the city. Now that the situation's cooled down, Hondo's gonna have to prove that he deserves that top spot.

Hondo: Never break rank. We move as one.
Street: I see a rabbit, I chase it.
Hondo: Cut the lone wolf crap. SWAT's strength is in the pack. You want to be a hot dog, get a job at Pink's.

You disobeyed my order not to see Raymont in the hospital... Everyone who works for me gets one free one. Nobody get's a second.


Cortez: How many times have you told me there's a better way to do things here? Treat the community like family rather than the enemy. Now's your chance to prove it.
Hondo: Hick's doesn't want my ideas, he wants a mascot.
Cortez: He's giving you a team. What you do with it is up to you.

Hondo: It's wrong. Taking the fight to South LA is wrong, it just won't work.
Deacon: Well, those are the orders.
Hondo: And this is my team. Hicks wants to fire me, let him fire me, but we're gonna go a different way.
Deacon: Which way is that?
Hondo: We treat them like family.

This isn't racial, it's political.


Lesson one, Street. Never be in a hurry to die.


What color you supposed to be, brother? Black or blue? You gonna have to pick.

Protester to Hondo

S.W.A.T. Season 1 Quotes

Lesson one, Street. Never be in a hurry to die.


What color you supposed to be, brother? Black or blue? You gonna have to pick.

Protester to Hondo