I've got one. To Noah Solloway for writing his book about Alison, about me and about all of you.


Alison: No. He threw himself at me. He basically followed me home one night and watched me having sex with my husband.
Noah: Which you did for my benefit.
Alison: What? I didn't even know you were there! And then you make out that I'm some sort of cold-hearted drug-dealing psychopath.
Noah: OK. Calm down, Alison.
Alison: No! Nothing is sacred to you. Nothing!

Alison: You said the book was fiction.
Noah: Of course it is, but it's based on true events.

The only thing wrong with that boy is Noah fucking Solloway.


It's easy to feel at peace when you're just eating quinoa all day and sleeping 14 hours, but in the real world? I don't think you're doing her any favors keeping her here.


Helen, is that what you're wearing? We talked about this. You have to wear something that makes you look sober.


I always suspected there was something a little more to the story about the lighthouse and the rain. Like spouses.


Alison: I was certain that I would matter to people.
Cole: And you do.
Alison: No, I don't. That's the whole point. I don't. I'm nothing.
Cole: Not to me.

Alison: I'm afraid there might be something wrong with me.
Cole: What's that supposed to mean?
Alison: What, does everyone think I'm just a slut?

She was sex, the very definition of it. She was the reason the word was invented...no marriage, no matter how strong, could survive her. This is what it meant to fall.


Don't let anybody fool you into getting old. They wax on and on about it being really satisfying. You know what's really satisfying? Cartilage.


Helen: Noah wants money.
Margaret: I'm sorry?
Helen: Were you gonna ask how the hearing was, or are you gonna talk some more about your hair dos?

The Affair Season 2 Quotes

Margaret, my father painted this fucking painting. Now if you don't get out of my way, I swear to God I'll push you down that fucking flight of stairs behind you and I'll tell the coroner it was a fucking accident!


It's fiction, Harry.
