Why do you get to fuck up and I don't?


Noah: What the fuck is going on?
Helen: Why are you doing this to us?

Max: Would you like to fuck and then open your present, or open your present and then fuck?
Helen: Open the present.

Helen: Maybe. If you stop saying paramore.
John: If I?
Helen: I mean, what the fuck was that, John? You said it fourteen times.
John: Well, it happens to be the legal term for it, but if you prefer I could say concubine. Fuck buddy? Slut face?
Helen: How 'bout cunt? Cunt works for me.

Noah: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
Alison: It would depend on the ring.
Noah: [presents her with a ring] Would that be OK?

Scott Lockhart was a lowlife and a creep. And would I have wanted to kill him? Of course I would, but I didn't, because I'm a civilized human being.


You hit a deer. Was Scott Lockhart riding the deer at the time?

Jon Gottlief

Being alive is essentially a very lonely proposition. You have to mostly carry your pack alone. Nobody gets as much help as they need. But in marriage, things get less lonely, just a little, but it makes a big difference.


I just thought that if I could go somewhere else, or be with somebody else, then... But it doesn't leave you. And Noah tries to understand, I mean he wants to, but he can't.


Look, the sooner you and Helen get divorced, the happier everyone will be.


Noah: There's nothing you can tell me that would make me give up on you. I know you don't trust a lot of people. Trust me.
Alison: Cole came to visit.

Fine. I'll fix it. Where are the tools? What? He doesn't have tools?


The Affair Season 2 Quotes

Margaret, my father painted this fucking painting. Now if you don't get out of my way, I swear to God I'll push you down that fucking flight of stairs behind you and I'll tell the coroner it was a fucking accident!


It's fiction, Harry.
