Marcus: Do you know the difference between capitalism and socialism?
Lucius: No.
Marcus: In capitalism, man exploits man. In socialism, it's the other way around.

John: Does Roosevelt know you're doing this?
Sara: When it comes to the commissioner, I find it better to ask forgiveness than permission.

Connor: 'Tis surely easier on the eyes to have a woman on the premises, isn't it, Sergeant Doyle?
Doyle: Aye, it is.

Coroner: You wear no sign of your faith, Doctor. Yet you men of science insist you are not in opposition to God. You insist you are God.
Kreizler: I insist no such thing.

Moore: I'm not a reporter. I'm an illustrator.
Conner: Then that's two good reasons for you not to be going up there.

Kreizler: I can imagine your modern methods don't make you too popular at the police department.
Lucius: That and the fact we're Jews.

Both my children are dead, because of you.

Mrs. Zweig [to Kreizler]

Sara: I don't know if they abhor our shape or crave another.
Maid: They believe us to be delicate creatures.
Sara: Then the hell with them.

Conner: Miss Howard. There's a sizable white rat running about the station house.
Sara: Funny, Captain Conner. I see only a little pink mouse.

My God, Laszlo! Sometimes you can be as subtle as a blowtorch.

Moore [to Kreizler]

John: What can't possibly wait, Stevie?
Stevie: He said he needs you.

Just because you live by your own set of rules does not mean I do.

Roosevelt [to Kreizler]

The Alienist Quotes

Moore: I'm not a reporter. I'm an illustrator.
Conner: Then that's two good reasons for you not to be going up there.

John: What can't possibly wait, Stevie?
Stevie: He said he needs you.