Is there a rodeo going on at Candlestick Park?

Cab Driver (to Jet and Cord)

I'm just surprised I didn't pee myself.


I made my little brother's dream come true.


This car is my size!


Brook: I feel like I'm gonna barf.
Claire: That's ok, just puke in the trash can.

I haven't driven a stick shift in a while and I forgot the part about taking the clutch out.


This is a tough place to find your way around.


This is the first time I've ever even heard of Stonehenge and then I found out it was a bunch of rocks.


"You've got this, right in the kisser" - Brooke, to Claire, moments before getting hit in the face with a watermelon.

"They don't call it The Amazing Race for nothing" - Brooke, to Claire, after informing her partner that she has to continue after getting hit in the face with a watermelon.

The girl got whacked in the face with a watermelon!

Brook (laughing)

There's not a lot of guys who swim in jeans.
