While there were compelling arguments on both sides, I'm ruling in favor of your task force, assistant director Cooper. It's clear to me that the safety and security reasons for keeping your records internal far outweigh any benefits Congress might receive from making them public.


Ressler: I was with Blair Foster. She ambushed my NA meeting.
Cooper: Did she say anything incriminating?
Ressler: No. She comes close to the line without crossing it. She's bold. She's not afraid of anyone.

Manny: I should have known you had and agenda. It's probably why Weecha left you.
Red: Left me? She didn't leave me. It's considerably more complicated than that. Who told you anyway?
Manny: Straight from the horse's mouth.

Oversight on law enforcement is a necessary check and balance. It's our responsibility especially in this current political climate when we've seen what can happen when law enforcement agencies authority goes unchecked. We're simply asking for transparency.


The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 16 Quotes

Oversight on law enforcement is a necessary check and balance. It's our responsibility especially in this current political climate when we've seen what can happen when law enforcement agencies authority goes unchecked. We're simply asking for transparency.


Manny: I should have known you had and agenda. It's probably why Weecha left you.
Red: Left me? She didn't leave me. It's considerably more complicated than that. Who told you anyway?
Manny: Straight from the horse's mouth.