Impressive stuff. If I didn't have to kill you, I'd hire you.

El Conejo [to Aram]

Dembe: [Aram] had his first meeting with National Intelligence today. Maybe he had to run home afterward and change his shirt.
Ressler: Or his shorts.

I feel like I'm living in purgatory. Worse, it feels like Charlene and Agnes are living there with me.

Harold [to Ressler]

I hope you slept well, Kosta. It's going to be a long day.

Red [to Kosta]

Kosta: Raymond? How? The last time I saw you, you said you were going to meet your fate.
Red: You may very well be about to meet yours.

Panabaker: You son of a bitch!
Red: Well, OK. But then again, you didn't know my father.

Aram: This feels wrong.
Red: I'm sure there's a knob underneath you can adjust.

Red: Another word of advice: Moral relativism.
Aram: That's two words.
Red: But one piece of advice.

Red: Harold ... how is he?
Aram: Not good. He's stuck in jail with a bail he can't afford.

Red [to Aram]: I under congratulations are in order.
Park: Says the man who really rules the roost.

Aram: I can't do this.
Panabaker: Probably not. But Harold chose you.

What can I do for you today, other than marvel at your deductive powers and tolerate your unwanted presence?

Helen [to Red]