Jacqueline: Andrew, I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.
Andrew: I had to take a second job. One of my roommates moved back home, and even though there are three of us living in the apartment, the rent difference has made things a lot harder, so I work nights after a full day here.
Jacqueline: Andrew, why didn’t you say something?
Andrew: I don’t want you to think that I’m not grateful because I am. It’s just that… look, assistants don’t get paid enough here.
Jacqueline: Really? I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.
Andrew: I know I always manage to look so amazing, but it’s really hard work because I really love my job.
Jacqueline: I know you do. I’m really glad you finally spoke up, and I’m gonna get you the raise you deserve.

Jane: Addison gave me a bad review, which I shouldn’t even be telling you, but that’s why I asked her to lead the meeting, and I just wanted her to feel heard.
Scott: I get that, but she just seemed more confused than anything.
Jane: Yeah, I know. I should probably go talk to her.

Sutton: I just think they deserve to know I’m happily moving forward.
Jane: Well, it’s OK if you’re not happy.
Kat: You’re allowed to feel whatever you need to feel: angry, sad, hurt.
Sutton: Yeah, I don’t want to feel any of those things.
Kat: Fair enough.

Oliver: I am meeting Jasper tonight, and it’s a big deal because I used to love him a lot. And now that he sees Carly, which means that he’s back in my life, and I can't stay mad at him forever.
Sutton: I’m really glad that you’re meeting him.
Oliver: It’s at the same time as your divorce party.
Sutton: It’s fine.
Oliver: I was actually wondering if I could bring him.
Sutton: That would make me so happy.

Jane: Look, I’m sorry. I know that the pitch meeting was weird. I was just trying that you felt heard.
Addison: By silencing your favorite writer?
Jane: Scott? He’s not my favorite writer.
Addison: Well, he’s worked on some big stories with you, and sometimes I don’t hear back from you on my pitches, which doesn’t feel great. I’m not even sure you like my writing.
Jane: Of course I like your writing. I’m so sorry I made you feel that way. You were a big get for me. I want you on my team, Addison.
Addison: I put the feelers out for a new job and got an offer from YesGirl.
Jane: Look, Addison, I really value for voice and your perspective, and I know that I’ve made some mistakes, but I really want to keep you, so how can I do that?
Addison: I just want what you had Jane, a mentor, a Jacqueline Carlyle. That’s why I took the job.
Jane: OK, give me another chance to be that for you.
Addison: I have to let YesGirl know in a week.
Jane: Great, then give me a week.
Addison: I don’t know.
Jane: I’ll do whatever it takes.

Chamseh: Did Adena tell you I was a student during the revolution in my country?
Kat: No.
Chamseh: We were willing to sacrifice everything for the cause.
Kat: Cost of change, right?
Chamseh: Except there wasn’t any, which is why I tell Adena it’s not worth it.
Kat [to Adena]: Hey, you don’t really believe that, do you? Your photographs, they change people’s minds. They really do.
Chamseh: OK, enough politics. Did you see Adena’s modest fashion shoot?
Kat: I did. She’s so talented.
Chamseh: She is and wise. Finally after all this time she gets a stable, safe job.
Adena: Well, I think it’s worth it, the sacrifice. I think Kat and I have created real change together.
Chamseh: Like getting arrested at the airport with a bag full of dildos?
Kat: Actually, in hindsight, that probably wasn’t our best idea.
Chamseh: No, it was not.
Adena: That was a long time ago.
Chamseh: I sent you abroad so you would be safe.
Adena: I know, and I understand that we cannot risk everything for every cause, but if I have the privilege of safety, I want to use it to make the world a better place.
Chamseh: Foolish and naïve.

Kat: I know we live in a flawed system, and sometimes breaking the law is necessary. I recognize that I need to choose my battles more wisely, so today, I choose a different way.
Adena: Who are you and what have you done with Kat Edison?
Kat: I don’t know. I guess she’s grown or something.

Kat: How can Darby claims she cares, and then just say no without even trying.
Adena: I think she was genuine. I think she has people to answer to, and they clearly have different priorities.
Kat: I guess we just have to change their minds.
Adena: And how do we do that?
Kat: We could print off your portraits, turn them into posters, plaster them to the side of the Belle.
Adena: That’s vandalism.
Kat: That’s activism.
Adena: And it’s illegal. My gallery friends might still come through.
Kat: This is so much bigger than just a gallery now. This about calling out hypocrisy and holding people accountable.
Adena: I thought this was about helping Zuri and those women.
Kat: Of course it is, but aren’t you mad? The Belle, they pride themselves on helping women, right? It’s part of the reason I wanted to work there, but if they’re only helping a certain type of women, then what’s the point.
Adena: I think the point is they do a lot of good, and you know we can’t just go around blowing everything up.
Kat: You just seem so…
Adena: Rational?
Kat: I was gonna say resigned.
Adena: Well, maybe I would just rather not get arrested and lose my visa.

Jane: Look, I know we’re supposed to be going to HR, but…
Scott: It’s not a good time, is it?
Jane: I want this, but being a good leader is also really important to me. And Addison’s not wrong. I favored you. I didn’t mean to but I did, and if we were to start dating now…
Scott: I get it. I can't work here, Jane. It’s too complicated.
Jane: So you’re just gonna quit?
Scott: I’m sorry, Jane. You’re a great boss, and Addison is gonna see that, but not with me here.
Jane: You don’t have to quit. We can still work together and be professional.
Scott: I don’t think I can be. I promise you, this is a good thing. And as for us, when you are in the right space, call me.

Sutton: Kat is gonna see Adena for the first time in a long time.
Kat: Why’d you say it like that?
Sutton: Because it’s you and Adena, you know. You and Adena.
Kat: Work really well together? That’s why I’m going to see her today to see if she can help me with the Zuri thing.
Sutton: Of course.
Kat: I’m serious. We’re just friends. We happen to make a great team. That’s all.
Sutton: Like Batman and Robin.

Jane: So this is actually why I called you in here. I was wondering if you wanted to go to HR with me? You know make this official.
Scott: Yes, I would like that a lot.
Jane: Great, then it’s a date.
Scott: I will see you later then.

Sutton: He’s flying to New York tonight, and he hasn’t said anything to me since he left.
Jane: Yeah.
Sutton: Although he did respond that one time saying that he needed space.
Jane: And you have this…
Sutton: What if he’s coming back to tell me he changed his mind?
Kat: Sutton?
Sutton: Then wouldn’t he just call or text?
Kat: Ok, Sutton.
Sutton: If he comes to New York and doesn’t call me…
Kat: Hey, do not spiral. You’ve been doing so good since the retreat.
Jane: And you have this huge opportunity to interview and style everyone for the sizzle reel.
Kat: You don’t want to screw this up, Sutton.
Sutton: You’re both right. Richard will get in touch if he wants when he wants. I just have to forget I saw the notification and focus on work.

The Bold Type Quotes

Adena: You know, there's a lot more inside of a woman than what you can see on the outside.
Kat: Yeah I know, there's a lot more inside of me too.

And I expect you to unleash holy hell on anyone who tries to hold you back because you don't just work for Scarlet, you are Scarlett.
