It's a good start. You need to get laid.


Kat: The female form is actually quite beautiful.
Jane: Can you not narrate this?

There is no way this woman is enjoying this. Can somebody please make her stop moaning?


This is an infection waiting to happen.


Jane: We're both straight.
Kat: Actually, since we're here, I am having these sexual identity issues.

Mr. Grey will see you now.


First of all, I can screw whoever I want.


It's kind of why I fell in love with Scarlet, because when I needed it it was like getting advice from an older sister that I always wished I had.


Adena: You know, there's a lot more inside of a woman than what you can see on the outside.
Kat: Yeah I know, there's a lot more inside of me too.

And I expect you to unleash holy hell on anyone who tries to hold you back because you don't just work for Scarlet, you are Scarlett.


The Bold Type Season 1 Quotes

Adena: You know, there's a lot more inside of a woman than what you can see on the outside.
Kat: Yeah I know, there's a lot more inside of me too.

And I expect you to unleash holy hell on anyone who tries to hold you back because you don't just work for Scarlet, you are Scarlett.
