Jane: Look, I’m sorry. I know that the pitch meeting was weird. I was just trying that you felt heard.
Addison: By silencing your favorite writer?
Jane: Scott? He’s not my favorite writer.
Addison: Well, he’s worked on some big stories with you, and sometimes I don’t hear back from you on my pitches, which doesn’t feel great. I’m not even sure you like my writing.
Jane: Of course I like your writing. I’m so sorry I made you feel that way. You were a big get for me. I want you on my team, Addison.
Addison: I put the feelers out for a new job and got an offer from YesGirl.
Jane: Look, Addison, I really value for voice and your perspective, and I know that I’ve made some mistakes, but I really want to keep you, so how can I do that?
Addison: I just want what you had Jane, a mentor, a Jacqueline Carlyle. That’s why I took the job.
Jane: OK, give me another chance to be that for you.
Addison: I have to let YesGirl know in a week.
Jane: Great, then give me a week.
Addison: I don’t know.
Jane: I’ll do whatever it takes.

Oliver: I am meeting Jasper tonight, and it’s a big deal because I used to love him a lot. And now that he sees Carly, which means that he’s back in my life, and I can't stay mad at him forever.
Sutton: I’m really glad that you’re meeting him.
Oliver: It’s at the same time as your divorce party.
Sutton: It’s fine.
Oliver: I was actually wondering if I could bring him.
Sutton: That would make me so happy.

Chamseh: Did Adena tell you I was a student during the revolution in my country?
Kat: No.
Chamseh: We were willing to sacrifice everything for the cause.
Kat: Cost of change, right?
Chamseh: Except there wasn’t any, which is why I tell Adena it’s not worth it.
Kat [to Adena]: Hey, you don’t really believe that, do you? Your photographs, they change people’s minds. They really do.
Chamseh: OK, enough politics. Did you see Adena’s modest fashion shoot?
Kat: I did. She’s so talented.
Chamseh: She is and wise. Finally after all this time she gets a stable, safe job.
Adena: Well, I think it’s worth it, the sacrifice. I think Kat and I have created real change together.
Chamseh: Like getting arrested at the airport with a bag full of dildos?
Kat: Actually, in hindsight, that probably wasn’t our best idea.
Chamseh: No, it was not.
Adena: That was a long time ago.
Chamseh: I sent you abroad so you would be safe.
Adena: I know, and I understand that we cannot risk everything for every cause, but if I have the privilege of safety, I want to use it to make the world a better place.
Chamseh: Foolish and naïve.

Jane: Addison gave me a bad review, which I shouldn’t even be telling you, but that’s why I asked her to lead the meeting, and I just wanted her to feel heard.
Scott: I get that, but she just seemed more confused than anything.
Jane: Yeah, I know. I should probably go talk to her.

Kat: She didn’t want to fight. She’s lost all of that passion, that fire. I think she’s dating someone. I heard her on the phone a couple times. She said I love you and something in Farsi about cucumbers, according to the internet.
Jane: Are cucumbers like a lesbian sex thing?
Kat: No. The point is, I just feel like whoever Adena’s dating… I think they’re a bad influence.
Jane: First of all, we don’t if Adena’s dating someone. Second of all, Adena doesn’t seem like the kind of person who’s easily influenced by someone else. So maybe you should just try to understand where she’s coming from and find a compromise.

Kat: How can Darby claims she cares, and then just say no without even trying.
Adena: I think she was genuine. I think she has people to answer to, and they clearly have different priorities.
Kat: I guess we just have to change their minds.
Adena: And how do we do that?
Kat: We could print off your portraits, turn them into posters, plaster them to the side of the Belle.
Adena: That’s vandalism.
Kat: That’s activism.
Adena: And it’s illegal. My gallery friends might still come through.
Kat: This is so much bigger than just a gallery now. This about calling out hypocrisy and holding people accountable.
Adena: I thought this was about helping Zuri and those women.
Kat: Of course it is, but aren’t you mad? The Belle, they pride themselves on helping women, right? It’s part of the reason I wanted to work there, but if they’re only helping a certain type of women, then what’s the point.
Adena: I think the point is they do a lot of good, and you know we can’t just go around blowing everything up.
Kat: You just seem so…
Adena: Rational?
Kat: I was gonna say resigned.
Adena: Well, maybe I would just rather not get arrested and lose my visa.

Jane: So this is actually why I called you in here. I was wondering if you wanted to go to HR with me? You know make this official.
Scott: Yes, I would like that a lot.
Jane: Great, then it’s a date.
Scott: I will see you later then.

Sutton: Kat is gonna see Adena for the first time in a long time.
Kat: Why’d you say it like that?
Sutton: Because it’s you and Adena, you know. You and Adena.
Kat: Work really well together? That’s why I’m going to see her today to see if she can help me with the Zuri thing.
Sutton: Of course.
Kat: I’m serious. We’re just friends. We happen to make a great team. That’s all.
Sutton: Like Batman and Robin.

Sutton: Whoa, this is a huge closet.
Kat: Yeah, so we’re gonna clear it out and make it your bedroom.
Sutton: What? That’s very nice, but I think you should have walls and doors.
Kat: Come on Sutton. I spent most of my life in the closet. I’m good. I think you should take the doors and walls.

Jack: So you came to me to ease your conscious?
Alex: No, I’m here to get his job back.
Jack: You realize that really isn't up to us anymore.
Alex: You’re the editor-in-chief.
Jack: Yeah I am, and I’ve got money to make, I’ve got a board to answer to. You pulled his pants down in front of the Twitterverse; that place never forgets.
Alex: Jack, come on. He made one dumb tweet.
Jack: I’m not saying Joey’s a bad guy, but in today’s world, he’s damaged goods, not worth the trouble.

Sutton: What are you doing here? Is Richard upstairs?
Ben: Richard meant to come. He really did, but when you two texted, he’s afraid that he’ll crumble if he sees you and not say what he needs to say.
Sutton: And what’s that?
Ben: He wants a divorce.
Sutton: And he sent you?
Ben: He couldn’t do it, Sutton. His heart is broken. He’s broken.

Alex: I’m only taking this job because of something that you taught me.
Jacqueline: Really? What’s that?
Alex: Sometimes you can’t play it safe. You have to take a risk. Give up the layup and go for the three-pointer.
Jacqueline: I like that.
Alex: I know I’m not exactly Pinstripe material, but that’s what I need to do this. Jacqueline, I’ve become a much better man since I showed up at Scarlet, and I think I can take what I learned from you and really make a difference at Pinstripe.
Jacqueline: Well, you will definitely make a difference because you’re great, Alex.

The Bold Type Season 5 Quotes

Jack: So you came to me to ease your conscious?
Alex: No, I’m here to get his job back.
Jack: You realize that really isn't up to us anymore.
Alex: You’re the editor-in-chief.
Jack: Yeah I am, and I’ve got money to make, I’ve got a board to answer to. You pulled his pants down in front of the Twitterverse; that place never forgets.
Alex: Jack, come on. He made one dumb tweet.
Jack: I’m not saying Joey’s a bad guy, but in today’s world, he’s damaged goods, not worth the trouble.

Sutton: He’s flying to New York tonight, and he hasn’t said anything to me since he left.
Jane: Yeah.
Sutton: Although he did respond that one time saying that he needed space.
Jane: And you have this…
Sutton: What if he’s coming back to tell me he changed his mind?
Kat: Sutton?
Sutton: Then wouldn’t he just call or text?
Kat: Ok, Sutton.
Sutton: If he comes to New York and doesn’t call me…
Kat: Hey, do not spiral. You’ve been doing so good since the retreat.
Jane: And you have this huge opportunity to interview and style everyone for the sizzle reel.
Kat: You don’t want to screw this up, Sutton.
Sutton: You’re both right. Richard will get in touch if he wants when he wants. I just have to forget I saw the notification and focus on work.