All the women's magazines are always encouraging you to be a new you, but being a new Carrie wouldn't be enough. I needed to be a new Larissa.

So it's reunited but it doesn't feel so good?


I don't just thrive in chaos, I love it.


It's weird, I feel more confident because I like know stuff, but I'm scared because there's something to lose.


Trust me, regret's no fun.


George: Are you kidding? Do you know how good you've got it?
Carrie: Yes, I do. And that's why I'm saying goodbye to you George.

You two seem like a lovely couple. Your size difference is positively charming.


I have a girlfriend who's in Connecticut and she's waiting for me so I can't be gay.


I just say everything that just comes into my head. The words tumble out like clowns out of a clown car.

What's tragic is someone who can't be alone. I don't have that problem.


The last thing you want to do is get caught in the cold. That's why it's good to have a hot boyfriend to keep things warm.

You can't go back. Choices get made and things happen because of them.

The Carrie Diaries Quotes

It was like putting a hot dog in a keyhole.


It's always the same dream. I'm in the city and I belong. Manhattan is mine. But then I always wake up. The same old Carrie Bradshaw in Castlebury Connecticut.
