He's the bad guy here, which is ironic because he's a cop and is supposed to protect people not hurt them.

Uh 4 women who sit around talking about their lives, that's a TV show? I don't see it lasting.


Guess who just got bango'd in her Bongos? And in Santa's house no less?


Going after what you want is scary and possibly heartbreaking, but if you don't go for it you'll have nothing but regrets.


It’s come to my attention that the well of eligible bachelors in this school has run dry.


I’ve known her since I was 5. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her teeth before!

Mouse [about Dorrit]

My damage is I have Sebastian waiting for me upstairs and a beer fueled apocalypse downstairs.

It turns out getting into Harvard, got me into some other weird places.


Sadly it means my single life is now at a tragic end. I’ll have to subsist on tales of your deliciously tawdry exploits now.


I’m a total sucker.


Hi, Sally I should apologize for the way I ran off before. I’m Samantha, I’m having sex with your husband.


To make it in this city you have to let your animal instincts take over.

The Carrie Diaries Quotes

It was like putting a hot dog in a keyhole.


It's always the same dream. I'm in the city and I belong. Manhattan is mine. But then I always wake up. The same old Carrie Bradshaw in Castlebury Connecticut.
