This is the ship. The one that killed the Cant. It has to be.


Mormon: Forgive me for saying so, but I don't get the impression you're a man who's accepted Jesus Christ into his heart.
Miller: Guess I'm just not that desperate.
Mormon: We all are, if we're being honest with ourselves.

We're not on a salvage mission. We're here looking for survivors and some answers... If we're lucky.


Elise: Why are you here?
Avasarala: I need to understand your son.
Elise: And what will that accomplish now?
Avasarala: I have two governments and whatever the hell the OPA calls itself on a course toward a war that your son started. I want to stop it before anyone else loses a kid.

Listen to me, you guys give that skiff the proper set of codes and they have to back off.


Amos: This boss I used to work for in Baltimore, he called it the churn. When the rules of the game change.
Kenzo: What game?
Amos: The only game. Survival.

Avasarala: I have intelligence that says your son survived the Donnager. Now, will you stop posturing and help me keep him that way.
Elise: Where is he?
Avasarala: Why did Jimmy leave?
Elise: Is that for me? To take me to some windowless room so your interrogators can make me talk?
Avasarala: Nobody wants to arrest you.
Elise: Then why are you here?
Avasarala: I have the facts about your son, but I don't understand him.

We set him up to be a leader and then gave him a fight he could never win. The day before his eighteenth birthday, I took him out to mend a fence and I told him to get as far away from this place as he could.


Holden: A lot of Martians gave their lives getting us onto this ship.
Johnson: In the heat of the battle, they fought to get you off the Donnager?

Holden: Look, I don't need to trust Fred Johnson. We both have a gun to each others head.
Naomi: So, what is this... goodbye?
Alex: All that's waiting out there for you is more trouble, more death. Why are you so hellbent Holden?
Holden: 'Cause this is my fault.

Dawes: Why do you care so much what happened to this girl?
Miller: I take my job very seriously.
Dawes: You are a station joke. I did my homework.

Dawes: So, let's talk about Julie Mao.
Miller: Is she alive?
Dawes: She chose to be OPA because she believed that what we are fighting for is just.
Miller: You took an innocent kid, forced her to do your dirty work.
Dawes: No, she came to me. Asked me to help her. She knew what she was doing. She was willing to make a sacrifice for us.

The Expanse Season 1 Quotes

Naomi: If your girlfriend logged that distress call, she's going to be living it down for a long time.
Holden: I did it. I just couldn't shake it.
Naomi: I'd keep that to myself if I were you.

Miller: So what's my contract exactly?
Captain Shaddid: Find Julie Mao, if she's still here on Ceres detain her and ship her home.
Miller: Kidnap job. My pleasure.