You are Cisco Ramon. Genius engineer, prodigy hacker, and the mechanic who built a cold gun that could stop a speedster. And you're my friend. My friend who went out there and hurt himself today just to try and help me find my dad. And that wasn't Vibe. That was Cisco. That's the guy I need.


Cisco: Iris West-Allen, I know badassery when I see it. And that was raw, unrefined, cage-free, non-GMO badassery.
Caitlin: You dove off a building!
Barry: To save me!
Iris: Yeah, I guess I kinda did.

Iris: Someone stole a Monet.
Barry: At 10 A.M? That's bold!

Sherlock: Took me about 18 hours since I'm only kind of excellent at algebra.
Cisco: You know this is calculus, right?
Ralph: Calcula, Algebra, none of this is going to help find Caitlins dad!

The Flash Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Sherlock: Took me about 18 hours since I'm only kind of excellent at algebra.
Cisco: You know this is calculus, right?
Ralph: Calcula, Algebra, none of this is going to help find Caitlins dad!

Iris: Someone stole a Monet.
Barry: At 10 A.M? That's bold!