Do yourself a favor. Look deep inside that big, beautiful heart of yours. You'll find the answer you're looking for.


Eddie: Choices have consequences. I'm afraid we can't let you make anymore choices like that.
Barry: Wally is just a kid.
Eddie: He's a Flash. He made his choice. Now he has to live with it. Just like you do.
Barry: I'm not going anywhere until Wally's free.
Eddie: Then be prepared to spend an eternity in here.

Iris, did I lose you?


Joe: Iris, whatever you may be feeling right now about Barry, that man does love you. That kind of love is rare.
Iris: Dad, I wish it were that simple.
Joe: [laughs] Simple. Look, only you know what's good for you. But with the kind of lives that you two have, that love between the two of you, that is the one thing that should stay simple.

I'm not a human Ouija board, Barry.


Caitlin: It's not you.
Julian: It's impossible to tell. Savitar could be controlling me and none of us would know about it. None of us. Not even me.
Caitlin: But this time we know who it is.
Julian: How?
Caitlin: Because. I'm the one who betrayed everyone.

Cisco: No way. I'm not going to vibe you there for you to watch your sister die.
H.R.: This is to help Wallace! To help him see what happens so he knows what to do in the moment.
Wally: Come on, Cisco, please. If Savitar's coming back and I'm the only one that can save Iris, I have to do everything I can to make sure that happens.
Cisco: And you're sure you want to do that? Because this is not something that you can unsee, Wally.
Wally: If this is going to help me save my sister, yeah, I have to see it. Please.

Bow before my greatness. Be in awe as you are in the presence of the all-mighty.


Barry: [to Wally] He wasn't there! It was all in your mind.
Julian: Been there. Done that. It's miserable.

Joe: I wanted to be sure you heard what I said in there. I couldn't be happier.
Barry: Okay. Great.
Joe: Why didn't you ask my permission? I told you the story of me asking Francine's dad's permission like 100 times.
Barry: [laughing} At least. Yeah. That's a great story.
Joe: But you missed the point?

Barry: How much time do we have?
H.R.: Two minutes.
Harry: Two minutes? Ten seconds. Can you not even tell time?

Flash stopped the weapon. But he can't stop us all. Attack!


The Flash Season 3 Quotes

So, what should we call this brave new world you whipped up for us? I was thinking...Flashpoint.

Eobard Thawne

Barry: We actually went to elementary school together. PS 23?
Iris: Oh! That's right. I remember. Gary!