Shaun: I don't have any advice. I don't understand the issue. I also don't understand why you're asking me when you've already made up your mind.
Glassman: What?
Shaun: You usually say your ex-wife. You said your first wife, which implies there's a second.

Morgan: Want to hear my theories? One, you had a fight with your mother. You're thinking about kicking her out.
Claire: These theories explain what?
Morgan: Why the usually compassionate Claire Brown is envying a woman who feels no pain. You're obviously miserable.
Claire: You want to hear my theory? You see someone who's not so you're looking for a toy to break.

Debbie: You're the one who proposed to me. You're the one who told me how happy I made you.
Glassman: You do make me happy. But I realized I don't know anything about you.
Debbie: Is this about me being in the Merchant Marine?
Glassman: Yes. It made me wonder what else I don't know about you. And you don't know anything about me. I'm very irritable. I get annoyed with little things like people saying literally about things that are not literal. I'm impossible to live with, maybe literally. That's what I've been told. I don't want to go two years and then get divorced. That would hurt.

Mitchell: The second you say you're wrong, people will say you're wrong and they won't believe anything you say.
Shaun: Maybe if you told people you were wrong they would be more likely to be leive you.
Mitchell: No. No middle ground. Compromise is a scam. When only one side can get what it wants, make sure it's yours.

Wow. She's like the superhero. Nothing can really hurt her.


Debbie: Sleep apnea.
Glassman: Huh?
Debbie: I think that guy over there has sleep apnea.
Glassman: Maybe he's just tired.
Debbie: It's supposed to be the most exciting day of his life and he can't stay awake. Maybe you should go over there and say something to him.

Shaun: I have a question.
Glassman: Well, hopefully it's a quick one. I've cleared my schedule for the rest of the day. Debbie and I are going to City Hall to get married.

Park: Mitchell Stewart? The guy who thinks 9/11 was an inside job. He's an ass.
Andrews: An ass who needs our help.

Will we be doing this during all the commercials?


The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Park: Mitchell Stewart? The guy who thinks 9/11 was an inside job. He's an ass.
Andrews: An ass who needs our help.

Will we be doing this during all the commercials?
