Angie: What if I wake up and I don't remember Ryan at all?
Claire: The you get to fall in love all over again.

Claire: How are you doing, Shaun? Since your father passed away?
Shaun: I don't think about him very much.
Claire: My mom died recently. I don't know if you knew that. She pops into my head all the time. Not the nicest thoughts.
Shaun: It's okay not to love them. They didn't make us who we are.

Shaun: I understand No means No. If you don't want to have sex, I accept that. But I am very confused.
Carly: So am I. I thought I was okay but -
Shaun: I asked Lea to move out like you wanted. You said that things are okay. But things aren't okay. How do I make them okay?

Andrews: It's a little early in the morning to suck up, Reznick.
Morgan: I like to get a jump on things.

Shaun: Lea moved out this morning.
Carly: Thank you.
Shaun: Can you come over tonight?

Angie: Now that Ryan can go, I have to go.
Mother: Honey. This is your health you're talking about.
Angie: Mom. I want to do this one thing like a normal kid. Please tell me I can.
Melendez: Until your surgery, you are at risk of potentially fatal seizures.

Claire: Never mind. I shouldn't want to speed this up just so he can take his girlfriend to prom.
Melendez: Are they crazy about each other?
Claire: Head over heels in love.
Melendez: Idiots.

  • Permalink: Idiots.
  • Added:

How long are you planning on doing rectal exams and clipping diabetics' toenails?


Ryan: How many kidneys do I need to go to prom?
Mr. Cooper: Ryan!
Ryan: Even if I have to have it removed, it's laproscopic. So I can still take my girlfriend to prom, right?
Park: That's not a purely medical question.

Shaun: How long can you keep secrets from the people you love before they stop being the people you love?
Patient: I can keep this one.
Morgan: Drug addiction is a disease. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
Patient: It happens because of the choices you make.

Park: Shouldn't you be judging this guy the most harshly of all? You made it out without breaking the law.
Claire: That's not exactly true. My mom would take off on these trips and I would have no money. So when I needed supplies, I would go to the store and put them in the bottom of my backpack. One day the bag brokeand all the oatmeal and soup I'd stolen fell out onto the front of a security guard. She looked at me, at my face and at my clothes and she helped me pick them up. She let me go with a warning. And if she hadn't done that, I wouldn't have become a doctor standing here with all of you.

Morgan: So was Carly upset that you ghosted her while you were away?
Shaun: She said it was hurtful.
Morgan: You're getting off easy. So is this your way of breaking up with Carly for Lea?
Shaun: I don't want to break up with Carly.
Morgan: But you do want to get with Lea.
Shaun: I didn't say that.
Morgan: Not out loud. . And you're making a big mistake. Carly is smart. Pretty. And the fact that she's willing to put up with all your stuff means you should be thanking whatever god you pray to that you ever met her. While Lea is.. .well... a flake.
Shaun: Lea is not a flake.
Morgan: She showed up on your doorstep without even giving you a heads up that she was coming back to San Jose. Then she needed to move out, but then she moves in, not to mention the whole 'let's get drunk on tequila and I'll teach you how to kiss but I just want to be friends.'
Morgan: Oh come on. She showed up

The Good Doctor Season 3 Quotes

Shaun: It was a disaster.
Parks: Why, what happened?
[Lim comes in]
Lim: Why aren't you working?
Parks: Shaun had a date.
Morgan: Congratulations on your promotion. I believe you are our first female Chief of Surgery.
Lim: That's true. I still want you to get to work. [to Melendez] Not you. We have to go to HR and break up.

Shaun: Why are you smiling?
Carly: I don't know. I wanted you to know things are okay.
Shaun: Good.
[After consulting a card with a topic list]
Shaun: I saw a movie last night.
Carly: Was it good? What kind of movies do you like?
[Waiter brings dishes]
Shaun: I said no pickles.
Carly: It's okay.
Shaun: I said no pickles!
Waiter: We can bring you another one.