Glassman: So you are really bad at everything she needs done but you want to do it.
Shaun: Yes. How do I do that?
Glassman: I'm not sure it can be done. It's like everything you need is in a red shirt but you need it to be green.

I have breasts. How can I have breast cancer?


Morgan: There could be a problem with her heart. Should we be putting stress on it?
Woman: If I'm going to have a heart attack, this is the best place for it.

Park: Are you seeing someone?
Asher: Oh, no, is this about to get weird?

Until they find a way to put uteruses in men, women in this profession have to make sacrifices that men don't.


How many men, never mind fighters, get plastic surgery?

MMA Fighter

Lea: It's a girl. We're having a girl.
Shaun: Would you like to paint the nursery pink?
Lea: No! This isn't the 50s.

Lea: We need to leave at 6 PM for our birthing class.
Shaun: The birthing class I don't need due to my OBGYN rotation in medical school.

Woman: My dance career would be over.
Man: But you'd still have your life.
Woman: Dancing is my life. Do whatever you have to do to save my leg.

Jordan: I urge you to reconsider the surgery.
Miles: I'm not afraid of dying. Where's my daughter? Why isn't she here telling me any of this.

Jordan: I know a lot of girls who didn't have fathers, but yours did something others didn't. He came back.
Claire: He came back out of a sense of guilt. He wants to be forgiven. That's a gift I'm not giving.

Lea: I don't need you to do any of this, Shaun.
Shaun: What do you need me to do?
Lea: Just be the dad. Not the doctor.

The Good Doctor Season 4 Quotes

Shaun: You have COVID-19. I can tell without a test, which is a good thing because we don't have any.
Man: But I can't smell. That's not a symptom.
Shaun: It is now.
Man: So I have COVID. Now what?
Shaun: Go home. There's no treatment. Rest, stay away from people, come back if you have trouble breathing. Goodbye.

Lea: Have you seen my ID badge?
Shaun: This wouldn't have happened if you had stayed over.
Lea: My ability to lose things has not changed since I lived here.
Shaun: If you had stayed over you wouldn't have had to come back here.
Lea: It's too soon.
Shaun: Why is it too soon?
Lea: We've only been together a few weeks.
Shaun: How many weeks are required before you can stay over?