The fact that you already know what you know means there's something more that you don't know so how do we find out what you don't know?


Judge: You're arguing that he posted online for career rather than political reasons?
Opposing counsel: I am not arguing anything, your honor, that's what the evidence proved.
Judge: The evidence proves a lot of things.

Marisa: Are we in trouble?
Diane: What? No.
Marisa: Good because I need this job.
Diane: I'll keep that in mind.

Lucca: Alicia once gave me a piece of advice: when in trouble, hire Elsbeth.

Diane: Britain's fertility watch dog.
Opposing counsel: And you called them?
Lucca: We did.
Opposing counsel: How?
Barbara: We dialed 44 and then the number.

At this firm, we stand up for each other.

  • Permalink: Stand up
  • Added:

We are in some very odd areas of contract law now.


Lucca: You're being nice.
Collin: I'm drinking. I'm nice when I drink.
Lucca: Really? I'm mean.
Collin: You wanna go back to my place?

Maia: Am I being fired?
Adrian? What?
Maia: Am I being fired?
Adrian: I barely even know who you are.
Maia: So I'm not?

Lucca: You think you’re my type. You’re not.
Colin: Hm. Why am I not?
Lucca: You’re too slick. I mean, look at you. The hair, the gel.
Colin: That’s not gel. My hair just settles that way.

Lucca: So how far does the smile get you?
Colin: The?
Lucca: The bad boy Tom Cruise smile. Do the judges go wild for it?
Colin: That and a good argument.

Barbara: Kanye voted for Trump.
Julius: No he didn't. He said he would have if he did vote.

The Good Fight Season 1 Quotes

Bad things happen to good people.


Maia: Are we on the right side on this one?
Diane: We're on a necessary side. People I thought with all my heart were guilty turned out to be innocent and people I thought were saints, they weren't. That's why you don't go on instinct. You wait, you listen and watch. Eventually everyone reveals himself.