Tom: How am I suddenly a stranger in my own home?
Ashley: When haven't you been a stranger? The two of you, you're like these war machines. Everything is this mission for you.

Miller: Got any more of that sweet tea?
Courtney: I think I might.

Tom: I'm sorry your mom died.
Ashley: And you weren't here.

If Gustavo didn't come here for us, he came to invade. Which means he brought an army.


Now I can't promise that the fight won't be hard, and I can't say it will end anytime soon. But I can say with absolute certainty we will prevail.


Montano: If I help you, will it save my nation?
Tom: If you don't, will your nation be worth saving?

Azima: You're more than good. You are a weapon, baby. Nothing can stop you.
Wolf: Not with you around anyway.

Tom: Ash, stay safe.
Ashley: I want you to stay safe, too, Dad. But more than that, I want you to find peace.

Losing friends is what makes war war. We honor them by continuing to fight so we don't lose anyone else.

Tom [to Clayton]

Yes, Admiral. In another of the post-Plague ironies, one of the great strategists of war has become a pacifist.

Montano [to Tom]

Kelsey, what have you done?


Kara [to Tom]: Admiral, I am in charge of the integrity of this vessel and the safety of her crew. I cannot allow us to reenter the fight in our condition. We have to return to home port.
Slattery: Captain's right. It's suicide, Tom.

The Last Ship Quotes

What do we tell the crew?
Chandler. Everything. We tell them everything.


Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?
