Chief Donner: Is he sniffing her?
Lisbon: Yes
Chief Donner: You pay him to sniff people?

California Bureau of Interference that's what you are.

Chief Donner

Keep it in the dojo Phil.


School would be so much more fun if they started the day of with this instead of the Pledge of the Allegiance.


I do have one question - how are the burgers?


(regarding the fight that broke out between Phil and LJ) Yes, but souls are healed. This was a cathartic experience.


LJ: Does anyone call you frog man?
Phil: Pretty much everyone calls me Phil except my son does call me dad.

Everyone here is trying to show so hard how they changed.


High school - best years of your life.


Do that again and I'll arrest you.


Lisbon: Doctors don't think you're gonna make it.
Bosco: Well, I'm gonna say it then. Doctors better be right. I love you, Teresa.
Lisbon: I love you, too.
Bosco: No, I mean I love you.
Lisbon: I know what you mean.
Bosco: It had to be said.

Keep an eye on Jane. If he screws too bad, shoot him. There's not a court in the land that would convict you.


The Mentalist Season 2 Quotes

Jane: Can I please continue working with you?
Lisbon: I thought you were quitting.
Jane: You know I didn't mean that.
Lisbon: So the job is worth wile, is it?
Jane: Uh, it's not that. I mean, it' not that at all. It's just... I have nothing else to do.
Lisbon: No jokes. From now, there have to be boundaries.
Jane: Agreed.
Lisbon: I need to know that you can do your work and be effective without creating a mess that I have to clean up.
Jane: No mess, I swear.
Lisbon: On that basis, you can remain with the unit.
Jane: Thank you.

You're not a detective, you're a victim.
