My point - there is nothing wrong with revenge.


Nobody gets away with killing a cop, judge, or a DA.


Certainty is the mother of fools.


Please let's just do this - I don't care where I work, I want you.


There's a whole bunch of pot plants out here.


Ohh! Schooled ya!


But I'm not po po - I am a po po consultant.


Cho: Which do you want more - the job or Van Pelt?
Rigsby: It's not that simple.
Cho: Job or Van Pelt - that's all there is to it.

Rigsby: I love you.
Van Pelt: I love you.

Like I tell my children - rules are rules.

Agent Hightower

It's hard to lie when you are thinking about something else.


Yep, that's a shoe.


The Mentalist Season 2 Quotes

Jane: Can I please continue working with you?
Lisbon: I thought you were quitting.
Jane: You know I didn't mean that.
Lisbon: So the job is worth wile, is it?
Jane: Uh, it's not that. I mean, it' not that at all. It's just... I have nothing else to do.
Lisbon: No jokes. From now, there have to be boundaries.
Jane: Agreed.
Lisbon: I need to know that you can do your work and be effective without creating a mess that I have to clean up.
Jane: No mess, I swear.
Lisbon: On that basis, you can remain with the unit.
Jane: Thank you.

You're not a detective, you're a victim.
