Porthos: I didn't think that would work.
Aramis: Centuries of inbreeding is making the aristocracy stupid.

Athos: A little battered, but just about serviceable.
D'Artagnan: You talking about yourself or that pistol?

Treville: All right, I'll ride with you. But not as your commanding officer.
D'Artagnan: Whatever you say, Captain.

You know all my secrets now. You carry my life in your hands.


Aramis: We promised each other...
Anne: A queen is allowed to break her promises.

Milady: The truth is staring you in the face, and you can't even see it.
Athos: What truth?
Milady: Whatever I am, you love me. And you always will.

I'm glad that we can talk like this again. You know, as friends.


Your Musketeers have let me down again. Keeps happening, doesn't it?


Tariq: I was born the wrong color. An issue you may be familiar with?
Porthos: Nothing I can't handle

When the Queen sees my devotion to her child, it can only increase her passion for me.


Constance: The Dauphin is sick.
D'Artagnan: Constance, he's in good hands.
Constance: The physician is very well learned. I'm sure he knows what he's doing.
D'Artagnan: I meant your hands.

Why do you Musketeers insist on disappointing me?


The Musketeers Quotes

The Dauphin is not your son, Aramis. He can never be your son unless you confess to an act of treason and take the Queen down with you.

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Athos: The King's council has been in chaos since the Cardinal died... They say he wore out his heart in the service of France.
D'Artagnan: It's a pleasant surprise to hear he had one at all.