I am calling because I'm going to have to fire your daughter Holly because she's such a terrible employee. I'm just kidding.


Old Lady: How much for the Slip 'n Slide?
Michael: Get lost.

Schrutes are farmers by hobby and traders by trade.


Packer is going to be here til the day he dies, just like the rest of us.


You've been on the road a long time, and you've been an outdoor cat. And now you have to be an indoor cat, so you can't be peeing all over the walls.


Packer: So you two are married now right?
Jim: Yeah.
Packer: That's sweet. How's the sex?

Packer: Yeah you know how to read a menu!
Kevin: He's right. I could lose some weight.

Dwight: Who's dirt box is this?
Holly: That's our zen garden.
Dwight: What are you growing here, bull crap?

Packer: It's great to be among friends... until then, you suckers will do.
Kevin: Nice. We got burned.

Michael: Just so you know. He's at his funniest when you give him like five shots. And it also helps if you've had five shots.
Holly: I already have.

Michae: Angela loves pussycats, Packer loves...
Angela: Don't!
Michael: I was going to say dogs!

If you donated my computer to Africa, it would become famous as the slowest computer in Africa.


The Office Season 7 Quotes

Hey, Dwight I don't know if you've heard, but we're supposed to be drinking out of weird back packs instead of cups like regular people...oh you did hear.


...because I had a great summer. I got Wes Nile Virus. Lost a ton of weight. Then I went back to the lake. Stepped on a piece of glass in the parking lot, which hurt. That got infected even though I peed on it. Saw Inception, or at least I dreamt I did.
