Mina: Micah, we almost lost you. Let's just enjoy this moment right here, right now. Isn't life beautiful?
Micah: You are what's beautiful.

Bar patron: Who was she?
Bell: The love of my life. She turned out to be a psychopathic doctor who poisoned her own patients. She's in jail for murder. You have a nice night.

Irving: Be their Conrad.
Mina: Conrad 2.0.

Conrad: You wanted to see me?
Bell: No, he did.
Conrad: In my opinion, it's wholly inappropriate for a third-year resident to attend a meeting between CEO and president of the board.
Marshall: We're discussing recent unfortunate events at Chastain. Residents are at the front line of patient care. I want my son's input.

Conrad: How much does he make?
Marshall: A million five.
Conrad: A million five what does do? Bell makes a million five when the average doctor CEO salary is $600 thousand.
Bell: I'm not average. The CEO at Atlanta General make three million, and we both earn every penny.

Conrad: Millions of people are uninsured; that flight could equal bankruptcy.
Bell: Would they rather be dead?
Conrad: Well that's the option, your money or your life?

Julian: You're interested in the ER, right?
Devon: OK now you're batting a thousand.
Julian: You won't be just a doctor. You're too smart for that. All the best ones do more than one thing.

This isn't working. I see what's going on. So do you. We may be a thing but, we're a brand new thing, and this isn't what you signed up for. I can't be a burden.


Bell: I've done over five-hundred of these in my career. More than anyone else in Atlanta. Maybe more than anyone in the country.
AJ: Yeah, well CEO is an important job too. At least, I think it is.
Bell: It is. I still miss the OR. Just keep me updated on how this goes. I'm here if they need me.
AJ: Yeah you got it, boss.

Irving: Where are your med students?
Devon: I sent them home. I'm done babysitting.
Irving: That's too bad, Conrad. Oops, I mean Devon.
Devon: I'm not Conrad, and they're sure not me. That gunner nearly killed Abby.
Irving: Didn't your first patient end up brain dead? The kid who screwed up is still here. He's in the ICU watching them work on Abby. Thought you should know.

Gunner: They're putting her on a vent. She may never recover.
Devon: We all make mistakes. I made plenty, but what matters is that you learn from them.

Conrad: Can you do this procedure safely
Bell: I can do it flawlessly, and it's not your call.

The Resident Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Bar patron: Who was she?
Bell: The love of my life. She turned out to be a psychopathic doctor who poisoned her own patients. She's in jail for murder. You have a nice night.

Mina: Micah, we almost lost you. Let's just enjoy this moment right here, right now. Isn't life beautiful?
Micah: You are what's beautiful.