Simone: Daddy, A good agent can do more positive change with one case than most people do in a lifetime. Mr. Clark: What's that? Quote for the yearbook? Come on, Give me a real reason why you do this.
Simone: Because we make up less than one percent. Black Women make up less than one percent of the FBI. Speeches at rallies can only do so much. If we want real justice, we got to be on the inside.

Casey: Let me tell you what I wish somebody told me when I was a blue flamer trying to prove myself. The FBI isn't a safe space for women's empowerment. It's a boy's club. Now you still have a chance to make it. All you have to do is fit in by hide who you really are.
Simone: Honey, there's no hiding this.

Bradford: You're a good cop, maybe even one of the top five I've ever trained.
Chen: I crack the top five, huh?
Bradford: I want you to have a successful career, and I have decided to list you as the arresting officer on all future reports.
Chen: But you're senior officer.
Bradford: I know, but you deserve to be recognized.

Bradford: You know technically I still owe you a dance.
Chen: There's no technical about it, a debt is owed.

I need you to be a cop. Make us believe.

Silas [to Grey]

Let's get married so I'm not a baby momma.


Rory: I just want to go home.
Harper: I'm afraid that can't happen.
Rory: My mom and dad can explain.

I survived that. I don't have anything to prove.


You're under arrest for kidnapping!


Nolan: What are you thinking?
Piper's father: If she dies, my daughter doesn't.

Nolan: You need to tell your husband to stop.
Meredith: I don't want to die.

Dexter: Aaron, is it true?
Thorsen: Yes, sir. Rowan confessed to murdering Patrick.
Dexter: I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. Can you ever forgive me?
Thorsen: Of course.

The Rookie Quotes

Tim: The Tim Tests, those don't make me like him.
Lucy: I know. You're nothing like him. Come here, you're nothing like him.

Becks handle things on their own.
