Wesley: You'd have to be a psychopath to stab your roommate over dirty dishes.
Angela: I mean, I've come close to stabbing him over dirt dishes but that's different. We're married.

I can't believe this is happening to me again.


Lucy: Why did you try to give me the witness list? Were you doing it because you thought it was the right thing to do or were you trying to impress me?
Chris: I, um, plead the fifth.

No, uh uh, point another camera in my face, and I will arrest you for invasion of privacy.


Lucy: Wesley's a lawyer. We like Wesley.
Bradford: We accept Wesley because we fear Lopez.

Lucy: He's dead.
Tamara: Oh I'm so sorry.
Lucy: I never met him.
Tamara: But he's still the reason you're alive.

Control -- I got a weird one!


Am I supposed to step into the light or away?


Chen: Do you think it's weird that I never tried to find my biological dad?
Bradford: No. You don't owe him anything. The only thing he contributed could be measured in milliliters.

Bradford: You OK?
Angela: You know it!

Yo, this system is a joke!


Cupcake ate my taser!


The Rookie Quotes

Tim: The Tim Tests, those don't make me like him.
Lucy: I know. You're nothing like him. Come here, you're nothing like him.

Becks handle things on their own.
