Lopez: Grey’s got you on tip lines?
Bradford: Nothing says we’ve got squat like listening to the public.

Wesley: Can I help?
Bradford: What’s your tolerance for cranks and asshats wasting your time?
Wesley: I’m a Public Defender.
Bradford: Have at it.

Caleb: You weren’t conscious for your birth but you will feel every second of your death.
Lucy: That’s some greeting card level villainy, not that psychopaths are known for being original thinkers.

Caleb: Any last words?
Lucy: Yeah, you’re going to be dead long before I am.

Harper: You can do this. You have a unique ability to connect with people.
Nolan: She’s a psychopath who enjoys mind games and dismemberment. That’s not exactly my lane, here.
Harper: Tough.

  • Permalink: Tough.
  • Added:

Rosalind felt bad that you missed your wife’s death so she’s giving you Lucy’s death to make up for it. We’ll watch it together and then you’ll go in that barrel.


Lucy [About the giant stuffed teddy bear]: Well, he is a she and she is going to sleep in my bed since I am clearly never going on a date again.
Grace: I’m not sure that should be the take-away.
Nolan: Oh, hang on. That’s actually pretty safe.
Jackson: Accurate.
Lucy: So is this the kind of support and understanding I can expect from now on?
Bradford: Pretty much.

Lopez: So what, you’re suddenly cured?
Wesley: No but helping to find Lucy gave me a serious sense of perspective, not just for what she survived but that she couldn’t have done it without all of us. And I realized that I was an idiot for trying to deal with all of these things by myself. So, I’m going to go to work, I’m going to go to therapy and if I feel panicked or sad I’m going to ask for help.

Nolan: You all right?
Nick: Not even close.

Catching you was worth everything it cost me.


Rosalind: I’ve always known, ever since I was little, no one was coming to save me. Is that why you’re so good? Yes, ma’am. No, ma’am. Serve and protect, ma’am.
Nolan: I’m good because my brain’s not broken.

Nick: Enjoying yourself?
Rosalind: Well, the real fun is yet to come.

The Rookie Season 2 Quotes

Bradford: Are you okay?
Nolan: I should have reloaded on the move. You?
Bradford: I should have taken yesterday off.

Sgt. Grey: You think there’s a third terrorist out there?
Jessica: Yeah, and we just killed his friends.