Father Phil: You know what's remarkable? If you take everything Jesus ever said, add it up, it only amounts to two hours of talk.
Carmela: No. No, but wait. I heard the same thing about The Beatles. Except it was, if you add up all their songs it only comes to ten hours.

(at confession) I have forsaken what is right for what is easy. Allowing what I know is evil in my house. Allowing my children...Oh my God my sweet children to be a part of it because I wanted things for them; a better life, good schools. I wanted this house. I wanted money in my hands, money to buy anything I ever wanted. I'm ashamed. My husband, I think he has committed horrible acts. I think he has... you know all about him Father Phil. I'm the same. I've said nothing. I've done nothing about it. I've got a bad feeling. It's just a matter of time before God compensates me with outrage for my sins.


(to Father Phil) Is there a commandment against eating ziti?


Carmela: I was thinking about when we watched Casablanca last week.
Father Phil: That new print is great, huh?
Carmela: You know when Bogie says: "Of all the lousy gin joints in the world why did you have to pick mine." Of all the finook priests in the world, why did I have to get the one who's straight?

One thing about us wiseguys, the hustle never ends.


(on Tony) I thought therapy was going to clear up the fucking freak show in his head.


I'm in a waste management business. Everyone immediately assumes you've mobbed up. It's a stereotype, and it's offensive.


(to Christopher) You chose this life. You don't wanna work in the rain, try out for the fuckin' Yankees.


Christopher: Brendan's dead. His brains are floatin' in his bathtub. Message job, through the eye.
Big Pussy: Moe Greene Special.

Tony: Who are you?
Dr. Melfi: Why is that so important for you to know?
Tony: You know my mother told me never to answer a question with a question.
Dr. Melfi: So your mother did teach you something.
Tony: Look, if I asked you about your life, who you talk to, who you trust
Dr. Melfi: I'd have to take the fifth.

Don't ever say you hate life. That's blasphemy.


Tony: What the hell are you doing?
Vin: (peeing) This place is an hour away from my office.
Tony: An hour? What are you, a woman? Get a bladder transplant. My mother lives here.

The Sopranos Quotes

(to Mahaffey) That's a shame. A medication comes along after your gambling gets your fucking hip busted to shit.

Big Pussy

Dr. Melfi: Have you ever had a prostate exam?
Tony: Are you kidding? I don't let anyone wag their finger in my face.