Eph: Shut up. I'm not letting you get in my way again.
Barnes: You think I like the position they put me in? They nearly threw me over a balcony Eph. I can't even sleep. I barely eat.
Eph: Then just let me go. I've got a plan to wipe out all the infected and clean all this up.
Barnes: Well that's great news. I'll let you go.

Dale: Ephraim Goodweather from the news. So how's the fugitive life going?
Eph: Don't believe everything you see on TV.
Dale: I said I saw it. I never said I gave a shit. Okay, government ID will get you out of the city, but seeing as you're having your 15 minutes of fame you might want to change your appearance.

Eichhorst: Mr. Eldritch Palmer, you are searching for the secrets of eternity. But the answers you have been looking for are not here. Would you like to know more?
Palmer: What do you know?
Eichhorst: Everything.

Setrakian: At least answer a simple question. I need to know about a book; a Holy book. A religious item, the Occido Lumen.
Fitzwilliam: Been a while since I heard about the Lumen.
Setrakian: Palmer gave up on the search. Why?
Fitzwilliam: He spent a lot of time and a while lot of money only to discover that it no longer exists. That it may never have existed at all.
Setrakian: He's wrong.

Eph: The Master's forcing them to commit suicide.
Nora: Rather than spread the fatal disease.
Eph: It works.

Guadalupe/The Master: You failed.
Gus: What?
Guadalupe/The Master: Augustin Elizalde you failed.
Gus: I know who you are.
Guadalupe/The Master: The Ancients are the past. I am the future.

Vasiliy: There, he's down. Now what?
Eph: Now he infects the others by direct contact and then we wait for sundown, just like them.

Vaun: Excellent!
Gus: This is bullshit. Why you got me running around here like an asshole?
Vaun: We are about to embark on a most important mission.
Gus: Is that why you give me a gun with only two bullets?
Vaun: You should have checked the magazine.
Gus: I should have checked my sanity to ever team up with a guy like you. Now you're gonna tell me about this big mission and why I'm so important or I'm outta here.
Vaun: We're gonna kidnap Eldritch Palmer.

Eph: Are you gonna die on us?
Nora: There's less swelling, but he's fully infected. I don't think he's dying.
Eph: In other words, we did it.
Nora: When do we test transmission?
Eph: Tonight we cut him loose.

I'm gonna win or die confronting the Master. I will not fade away as a weak old man.


So, the Master can see through all you things huh? Are you watching me now? You took my wife, my son's mother. I'm gonna take hundreds, thousands of yours. I'm gonna work my way all the way to the top; to you. Hey, my eyes are up here. You planning on sending my vampire wife after my boy? Here's the deal, Master. I will kill him and then I'll kill myself before I let you turn us into anything like you.


Nora: Suddenly you're healthy?
Setrakian: Yes, so therefore you needn't concern yourself anymore.
Nora: I was the first to believe in you; to trust you. To bring you with us. And I just saved your life.
Setrakian: You might be more disappointed in me if I told you the truth.
Nora: I don't care. You won't treat me like this. I'm your friend.
Setrakian: Alright, but you must promise not to tell anyone, including Ephraim.
Nora: You have my word.
Setrakian: I've never confided this to anyone. I consume the worms to maintain my health.

The Strain Season 2 Quotes

Eph: So you're still on board? You're still ready to follow him down every dark tunnel in the city?
Vasiliy: Yeah, but I've got my own plan.
Eph: Which is?
Vasiliy: I'm gonna secure my place, then next door, then the block and then the next block.
Eph: The ground game isn't for me.
Vasiliy: So what are you gonna do?
Eph: Well seeing as how as a vampire hunter I'm total shit, I'm gonna go back to being a doctor.

There once was a great nobleman named Jusef Sardu. Since childhood he suffered from gigantism. His body was aging, his bones were bent and riddled with ache, so he was forced to walk with a cane.

Setrakian's bubbeh