Caroline: If you can't fix a coffee machine, how are you able to fix people?
Stefan: Sure you don't need some real food? There's probably a machine around here that vends O-positive.

I was trying to fix something that I had no business trying to fix. It's like textbook definition of a control freak from hell.


I could kiss you right now you beautiful moron.

Damon [to Tyler]

Just get on with it Kai. Listening to you talk makes me want to die.

Liz [to Kai]

I don't care. Life's too short. Immortal or not, I don't wanna waste another minute.


[to Liz] Not to be blunt, but I think dying gets you a ticket out of work. Just sayin'.


Elena: Our lives are so weird.
Jeremy: That's the understatement of the century.

Jeremy: I can't leave now, no way. Not with the sheriff sick and Enzo on a rampage. It's not the right time.
Elena: No kidding because the right time was a couple of eyars ago. Enzo could have killed you today and the other day Liv threw you across a room. And let's not forget the time that you actually died.
Alaric: She's right. Time to get the hell out of here.
Elena: You deserve a normal life, Jer. You deserve the life of a kid whose only baggage is that he lost his parents.

I have to admit there is a certain amount of peace knowing that I'll be one of the only people in Mystic Falls to die an ordinary death. I'm exceptionally ordinary. I'm okay with that. Caroline is anything but. She's meant to be extraordinary. She needs to know how proud I am of her.


I'm her daughter, Stefan. I was supposed to give her peace and convince her that I would be okay. And thank her for being an amazing mom. God, I don't even remember the last thing that I said to her. I was supposed to be with her in her final moment.


Alaric: Granted, being a vampire hunter doesn't lend itself to a healthy social life.
Jeremy: Yeah, turns out a social life isn't as much fun as kicking vampire ass.

Stefan: Look, something happened between Caroline and me.
Damon: Oooh, finally.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.