Stefan: Are you actually gonna be careful for once?
Damon: Yes, I've become you. How tragic for both of us. Gotta run. Have a murder to plan. Busy day.

I saw the vampire who killed me. I recognized him. It was Stefan Salvatore.

Journal entry

If you so as much make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and kill everyone in this house.


Who wants to die next?


Elena: It sounds like you were a monster.
Stefan: I was.

Damon: You sound about jealous. Does he sound about jealous?
Andie: You kind of do.

Damon: You get anything out of Elijah?
Alaric: No, it was boring. Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming.

Katherine originally came from Europe. Petrova was her real name. Katerina Petrova to be exact.


Vanessa: Does vervain really work?
Damon: No, not at all.
Vanessa: Can he hear us?
Damon: No, that would be creepy.
Vanessa: Can he read minds too?
Damon: If you wanna see me naked, all you have to do is ask.

Caroline: Isn't killing cute defenseless animals the first step to serial killer?
Stefan: Well, you sort of skipped serial killer and went straight to vampire.

Caroline: So what do I do when I see a rabbit?
Stefan: Chase it, catch it, feed on it.

Right. I forgot I was speaking to a psychotic mind that snaps and kills people impulsively.


The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Quotes

He kissed Katherine, not me. I wouldn't do that.

Elena [to Stefan]

Katherine wants you dead, there's zero you can do about it. You will be dead.
