Love bends the rules of possible.


Play nice. Or I'm gonna revisit the deep, dark well idea.


I know I said it doesn't bother me that you have a psychic connection to your ex-boyfriend, but I don't need the play by the play.


How are you gonna deal with your death if you can't deal with your own?


I am a hunter. Plus, I work out.


Do you have any idea what it's like to run in heels? I have blisters, Damon!


Privacy is very important to me. I have low blood sugar, my diet is finicky, so keep your paws off my stuff. And if I suddenly get up and disappear for a while, don't follow me or look for me.


You brought a panini press?

Elena [to Caroline]

That pit is called guilt. You feel terrible because you broke Stefan's heart. And that nagging feeling is your brain waking up to tell you that you've made a horrible, yet completely reversible, mistake.


Silas: What I don't get is why she likes you.
Damon: That's because you haven't had sex with me.

Caroline: Damon. Towel. Knock!
Damon: Caroline. No one cares. No!

You do realize you are dating a reformed serial killer, right?


The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Quotes

He's deferring from enrolling and deferring from returning my phone calls. So I'm deferring from sleeping with him ever again.


Woman: You look just like Elena Gilbert.
Katherine: Actually, I'm much prettier.