Kat: Maybe the next time we meet, Jacob will be home.
Susana: The pond will always take you where you need to go, as you say.

So you're Jacob's long-lost sister. Oh, you thought it was a secret. Those don't exist in Port Haven. At least they don't exist for me.


Kat: Paintbrushes?
Thomas: The pond is yours, my Katherine.

Sam Bishop's working his way through all the single girls in the area. Can't you just smell the desperation from here?


Kat: Oh, I thought we were reliving our youth here. Kid Elliot never asked me to dance.
Elliot: Oh, he should've.

Well, apparently, Susana is not the only Augustine who can cast a spell.


Elliot: Why does this keep happening to us? You used another member of my family!
Kat: No, you have been a very willing part of this, OK? Even when I tried to keep you out of it, you came to me. You remember that.
Elliot: Don't you see what bringing Susana in on this will do to her? I can say from experience it will literally ruin her life, Kat!
Kat: Just stop! You hide behind your talk of rules and the pond having its reason, but you have never lived it, so don't you dare judge what you can't understand. I don't know why you were always in such a mood on Founder's Day, but how about you stop taking your family's insecurities out on me?!

I found Thomas Coyle, whoever he is. He arrived on a ship called the Belladonna the first day of harvest, 1814. Tell Jacob I said hi.


Colton: What's going on, Dellie?
Del: I'm feeling like an imposter again. How can I call myself a Landry when my Landry is gone? And his land might be, too. I feel like I'm letting you down. You would not be proud of me.
Colton: I am proud of you every day. Look at you, what you've done. You've rebuilt our family. You did that. You brought out daughter home and our incredible granddaughter.
Del: She is amazing, isn't she?
Colton: Yes, she is. She reminds me of you. You have everything to be proud of and so much more.

The Way Home Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

So you're Jacob's long-lost sister. Oh, you thought it was a secret. Those don't exist in Port Haven. At least they don't exist for me.


Kat: Maybe the next time we meet, Jacob will be home.
Susana: The pond will always take you where you need to go, as you say.