Founder's Day Memories - The Way Home
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Susana is making a potion. She and Kat are growing closer. Her potion takes away Elijah's chronic pain. Someone rides up on a horse, and Susana tells Katherine to go to the pantry and stay there. It's Cyrus Goodwin. He's checking in on old friends.

Cyrus is interested in whether Jacob is returning soon. He says he better be for all of their sakes. Before he leaves, he threatens Susana for her potions.

Knowledge is a power, which is something Susana doesn't want Cyrus to have. But she still doesn't explain why Cyrus is so interested in Jacob's return, and Kat doesn't ask.

Alice in the past again with Elliot. It's summer 2021, and Elliot is house-sitting the Goodwin house. Founders Day coincides with both timelines, which interests Alice.

Susana is worried about Jacob, who should have been home by now. She can't even find anything about the ship he was supposed to be on. Kat promises her that she's doing everything she can.

When Kat gets to the pond, a Thomas is bathing in it. He spots her. They sarcastically flirt in the manner of every couple in history who has found a way to each other. She even sees him naked. She's still smarting from the fact that he's

Kat and Thomas will be a thing! She's his Katherine!

The summer is over and Hank's time on the land is ending. Rita wonders if she's made any decisions. Nope. But it's Founder's Day, and the committee is going all out, straight back to the 1800s when it all began.

Rita gets snarky about Sam and the single ladies.

Alice asks Monica about Founder's Day. Do they still get volunteers to decorate the gazebo? It's the 200th anniversary, and Elliot will be a highlight.

Casey laments not knowing anything about Cyrus Goodwin. Kat is at a loss for words. Discovering the Goodwin past may not be great for Casey.

Elliot has a vision about his father and Founder's Day. His dad says it's the one day a year they get the respect they deserve. When he pins the button to Elliot's shirt, he jabs him, and dad says to man up and wear it with pride.

Kat shares her thoughts about Jacob with Alice, including her musings that Jacob may not have painted the portrait. Kat tells Alice that if she sees anything in the past that demands answers, she should tell her.

Elliot is there for dinner at Alice's invitation. She's trying to get Kat and Elliot together.

Kat is excited to have "real" Landrys at Founder's Day this year. When Alice says she's decorating the gazebo, Kat and Elliot are flooded with memories.

Later, Kat talks about Susana with Elliot. She's honored that Susana is letting her in on his secrets, unlike some other Augustine she knows. She can't believe that he didn't tell her Alice was there during that whole mess.

Wouldn't Elliot know whether Alice is affected by whatever she saw if she continued going to the past? Is he still holding back?

When he says the pond takes Alice there for a reason, Kat has doubts. She still wonders why the pond thought whisking Jabob to the 1800s was a good idea.

Elliot found the ship manifest and has narrowed it down to three ships, but he was on none of the manifests. Kat asks him to check again for the name Thomas Coyle.

Del has memories of Colton pinning her Founder's Day button on her. She felt like an imposter her first time, but he assured her she was a Landry all on her own.

Casey has been researching Cryus. Nothing is good, but there is some news about ships from Canada. Casey is upset to find the Goodwins may have made their money pillaging, which was, oddly, approved by the king.

Kat takes a photo of her and Casey for her wall. It's her first intern!

Noah teases Alice at the coffee shop.

As Elliot looks for Thomas Coyle in the manifest, he recalls his father finding Samuel Augustine's name on the manifest, proving they're just as good as the Goodwins and the Landrys. His dad takes one of the manifests and tells Elliot to just wait because it's their turn now.

Elliot finds Thomas's name in the manifest.

Kat and Elliot discover that Alice set them up. They have a sweet moment and decide to listen to the band's soundcheck while they finish up.

Noah and Alice meet at the local food truck where he works. His grandfather owns it. She puts mustard on her fries, and he thinks it's disgusting. She asks about his future and the swimming scholarship they talked about at graduation. He didn't get the scholarship because he's not that great of a swimmer once he escapes his small town high school.

Eating a mustard-covered fry does not change Noah's disgust.

Sam comes into the cafe with his date, and it's awkward with Del, who decides to get her pie to go.

Elliot asks Kat to dance. As they're dancing, she says how much both Augustine's help her, and he freaks out (again) about time travel and that she had the audacity to tell Susana that secret without thought about the possible repercussions.

Kat can't stop looking at the manifest page. She wants to go back, but she won't go back before Founder's Day. Kat wonders why Alice set up her and Elliot, and it's because Alice wants a purpose. She doesn't know why she's being sent where she's traveling, while Kat knows she's going to find Jacob.

Del imagines Colton beside her, and she confides that she feels like an imposter again.

Alice tells Kat it's OK to choose 1814 today over the present. Founder's Day has begun. Casey has a donation to the town in Evelyn Goodwin's name.

Kat sees the people of 1814 everywhere around her.

Elliot rubs Kat the wrong way again, which prompts her to jump into the pond.

She runs into Thomas and asks him about the Belladonna. What kind of trouble did he get her brother into? Jacob couldn't afford the passage home, which is why it's under Thomas's name. She finds out it's the first day of harvest. Elijah is in the fields despite everyone's precautions, but for Kat, it just means Jacob is coming home.

Elliot is called up to the gazebo stage to make his speech. He sees his younger self in the audience, cringing when his father took the stage in 1999. Ah! His name is Victor. He makes an ass of himself, believing that the town has treated his family like scum for 200 years. But we know Susana, so it's possible he's right.

The Augustine's were the keeper of the town's history, but that hasn't been remembered well. They were in the shadows. He says that by writing the story, they record what matters. They are not in the shadows but shining a light on Port Haven history.

When Alice learns about Victor's speech, she rushes to the pond.

Kat finds Elijah in the fields, and he asks her to join them.

Sam decides to ask Del about herself instead of her family. Is she alright? She admits nobody has asked her about herself for a while. She's tired of playing the role, and he tells her to rip off the button. She says it's easy to say but not to do. But he wore a big city lawyer button and ripped it right off. She laughs that off as retirement.

Wanna get out of here? Yes, she does.

Alice meets Vic in the past. Will she be joining them for Founder's Day? If that's what Elliot wants, sure. Vic is dad-like about Alice to Elliot.

Alice apologizes for not asking about his dad before. Elliot never told Kat how bad things were at home because he didn't want her pity.

While tilling the soil, Kat finds a bag buried in the ground. She also finds Jacob's sneaker. There's a boat in the harbor!!

Sam takes Del to the beach. She wonders if this is where he brings all his girls, and he wonders how many she thinks he has. He's dipping his toes into the water so he can swim. he still wants to swim. And he'll swim right now. She decides to join him.

At the water's edge, Thomas arrives with his hand on his pistol. Kat sees Jabob, she thinks. But she screams his name and runs toward him, he turns away. Soldiers emerge from the woods, arresting him for treason.

He's carted off before they are reunited.

The Way Home
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The Way Home Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

So you're Jacob's long-lost sister. Oh, you thought it was a secret. Those don't exist in Port Haven. At least they don't exist for me.


Kat: Maybe the next time we meet, Jacob will be home.
Susana: The pond will always take you where you need to go, as you say.