You tried to erase me, Elliot! I’m never talking to you again!


Alice: You didn’t sell the farm though, back then. Why?
Del: I saved it for an Alice I had not met.

I guess this explains why I could never find you on Facebook, huh?


Kat: Jacob has such an incredible life and a beautiful family.
Susana: You are a part of this family now.
Kat: In more ways than one. I am a Landry, and Jacob is too. We’re just the future generation.
Susana: Jacob. This was his family all along?
Kat: He grew up on this land in our time, and I still live here. This fireplace. This is the center of my home, too.
Susana: So our echoes have always been around you. And what Elijah built mattered.

Nick: I don’t know, man. It all just feels really cruel. Did a part of you feel special having this secret, watching everyone else be oblivious and so naive? Did it make you feel smarter?
Elliot: I hated having to carry this secret.
Nick: Sorry, man, but I don’t buy it. I think you liked feeling superior, and you know who that reminds me of? Victor.

Alice: That’s the thing about time travel, I guess. You’re always the wrong age wherever you go. Too young in 2007, and I just feel too old for anybody here.
Nick: You deserve it. To find someone here in your own time. [shivers] Oh, OK. Officially the weirdest conversation I ever had in my entire life, and I feel like it’s only going to get weirder.
Alice: Yeah, so I should go.
Nick: It was really good to see you again, Alice.
Alice: Nick? That night at the cove, I’ve measured everyone else against it, so it wasn’t such a terrible thing.

Kat: I wanted to go to London with you. I don’t remember very much from that night, but on that staircase, I saw you, El, and I felllll a bit in love, and I’m sorry I turned so cold afterwards. I was scared, embarrassed, and just a dumb kid.
Elliot: A dumb kid who was really going to run away with me, huh?
Kat: Yeah. But, much like that kiss the other night, it ended before it began.
Elliot: I meant that kiss, Kat, but I want us to be on the same page. No more secrets.

Jacob was our miracle, sent to heal what was broken. Jacob is why we remain in Port Haven.


Kat: I’ll be back soon. Part of my heart is here now, after all.
Thomas: Jacob will be safe. But perhaps you’d allow me to carry part of your heart in mine? This heart you claim I possess?

Nick: So Alice was named after herself.
Elliot: Yep!
Nick: Kat didn’t realize her kid looked exactly like her friend until last year?
Elliot: Mm-hm.
Nick: And Del still doesn’t see it.
Elliot: Yeah.
Nick: I mean, how?
Elliot: You didn’t see it either. Memories are fickle. They fit the story we tell ourselves about life.

I want you to know I did everything I could to keep this land, but we will always have this house, that history, and each other. Jacob helped me remember that land comes and goes. Family is forever.

Del [to Alice]

Alice: You signed it?
Del: Yes. This is Goodwin land now.