Toby: I would totally marry you if that's something you're down with.
Kate: You would?
Toby: I'd marry the hell out of you, Kate Pearson.

Hey, did you know if you squint your eyes real hard and look at this bank statement, you can kind of see some extra zeros?


Ron: I have to say, when Olivia disappeared and Kevin decided to self finance this play opposite the girl who wrote it, I said to myself, 'Ron old boy, you've won three Tony awards, and here you are, directing a failed sitcom actor's vanity project.'
Kevin: But, there's more? There's more.
Sloane: Oh good.
Ron: But now I have to admit, you two are great together. You're honest. You're raw. I think you two can pull this off.

William: I'm not gay NOW. I've always loved both women and men, and you know a lot of artists believe sexuality isn't fixed as it is fluid.
Randall: What's fluid:
Kevin: Oh, your bio dad. He's only half gay, as it turns out.
Randall: Hm. Dim sum. I was thinking of getting dim sum.

Yep. Triplets. Always a headache with triplets. Just glad they're your patients, not mine.

Dr. K

This Is Us Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

William: I'm not gay NOW. I've always loved both women and men, and you know a lot of artists believe sexuality isn't fixed as it is fluid.
Randall: What's fluid:
Kevin: Oh, your bio dad. He's only half gay, as it turns out.
Randall: Hm. Dim sum. I was thinking of getting dim sum.

Yep. Triplets. Always a headache with triplets. Just glad they're your patients, not mine.

Dr. K