Randall: I'm done. I don't want to do this anymore. What exactly are we doing here. What is the point of this exercise?
Therapist: I need you to acknowledge that even if your father had lived, the rest of your life could have gone a million different ways.

I thought everything would go back to normal, but it's not. It's never going to be again.


Randall: 17 years ago I was left at a hospital. I believe I'm your son.
William: That's impossible.
Randall: But my mom saw you at the hospital. She said -
William: I said that's impossible.

There's Boggle and Connect Four in the cabinet behind you. You're gonna be sitting in that chair for another half hour. We can play games or you can be honest.


And I remember Randall saying, Dad, I want to marry someone who I can share all the elements with. So let's have a toast to Randall and Beth.


Jack: Randall told us that your dad passed away last year. We're sorry to hear it.
Rebecca: Yeah, I can't imagine going through that at your young age.

Randall: My mom -- my adopted mom -- sings.
Jack: Randall.
Randall: Speaking of, can you tell me about my biological mom?
William: You know how it feels when you take a sip of something hot? That was your mom.

Randall: What's wrong? Mom, you're really freaking me out.
Rebecca: Sweetheart, when you were a baby, I met your birth father.

Hey guys, listen to me. We're all gonna be fine. We're here, we're together. That's all that matters.


Rebecca: My life has been full of next times, things I assumed I would get to eventually. But now I realize I am running out of time to do them. Let's face it, guys, I'm losing my memory.
Randall: Mom -
Rebecca: No, let me finish. I want to spend whatever good years I have left with my family. I want to spend it walking on red carpets. I want to make up for all of my next times.

Randall: I was just trying to give her some hope.
Kevin: And I was trying to keep her from losing her mind for one evening. This whole thing is about how you can't wrap your mind around the idea that I might actually know what's best for Mom.

Sometimes I believe I'm completely fine and then I forget a stupid word at the most embarrassing moment.


This Is Us Quotes

Rebecca: Do you have a dream? Sorry is that a stupid question?
Jack: No. It's just no ones really ever asked me that before. Right now I just want to make sure that my mom is okay. Get her settled at her friend's place, and then I don't know. A decent job, a wife, a family, a house that feels nothing like the house I grew up in. Is that a stupid answer?

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
