Do me a favor and stop trying to live up to me. I was terrified of being like my dad and you are terrified of not being like yours. We both wasted a lot of time being quietly terrified. Close your eyes, decide what you want, and then you go and get it, son.


You know, when I was a kid, I had to do a family tree and it wasn't quite right. I knew they were my family, but they weren't where I came from. That's why you and your sister and your mother are so important to me. You're my branches.


Toby: I am sorry that Ellie is hurting. But we also knew that this was a plan and that plans change.
Kate: I grew up with a brother who didn't know his birth parents. I promised myself when we decided to adopt that Hailey wouldn't be like that.

Kevin, you're exhausted. I'm going to need you at your best and agro Liam Neeson movie Kevin is not you at your best.


Jack: Hey! I got three newborns in the car!
Other Driver: So? That's not my problem.

Jack: Hey, have I mentioned how much of a freaking warrior you are.
Rebecca: Hmm.
Jack: Hey. How about some music? Perfect first song. [pause] You okay.
Rebecca: I wish I could see them. If there weren't three of them I'd be in the back seat with them.

Randall: Annie is like an angel sent from on high.
Beth: Excuse me? She wasn't sent anywhere by anyone. I spent two days getting her out of me.

Security guard: How come you have three car seats back there
Jack: I have three babies.
Security Guard: Oh wow. God bless you.

Male doctor: You're not even gonna pretend to be interested?
Female doctor: It's babies. How hard can it be?

My goodness. The new Big Three.


Kevin: When I was on the plane, I was terrified I wouldn't get there in time and that Madison would be all alone. And then I heard your voice and saw you were there for her. Thank you.
Randall: Course. I'm your brother.
Kevin: I did say some pretty horrible things to you. And the truth is, on my best day, I'm a poor man's imitation of you.

Kevin: Eight hours ago I was dragging some guy out of his totaled SUV and now I'm a dad to twins.
Randall: Eight hours ago I was communing with my birth mom and now I own a farm house.
Kevin: Wow. We have a lot to catch up on.

This Is Us Season 5 Quotes

Kevin: Kate, what are you feeling?
Kate: I am feeling... like... we need a massive air hug right now!

Kevin: Twins? Wow. What now?
Madison: I don't know. This all seems to be happening just as the world is falling apart.