I'm your mom. I feel like I've waited my whole life to meet you. I can't wait to watch you grow up. I gotta be honest with you. The world out there is a little nutty right now. But no matter what, I can promise you this. You will never, ever doubt your place in it.


Rebecca: Making fun of the kids together is our thing. It's our one defense against three sets of teenage hormones. So I don't understand. What's wrong?
Jack: They don't want to hang out with us. One minute they love us, the next they don't want anything to do with us.
Rebecca: They're teenagers It's normal for them to want to hang out with other teenagers over us.
Jack: I know, but we only have a few years together under the same roof. Then they're gonna grow up and move out and then what? We'll be lucky if they call us once a week to catch up on what's going on in their lives.

Before I left, you asked me how this family was going to fit into my life. This family is my life. I quit the movie. Yeah, I don't want to take jobs that'll take me away from you. And these beautiful babies that we're about to meet... that's all I need.


I want to hit you, but I also want to kiss you.


Madison: Oh god, no. I need you to distract me.
Randall: So when I was running for city council -
Beth: Oh no, baby, tell her something interesting.

Rebecca: I'm looking forward to not hearing Kate's blow by blow of this week's 90210.
Jack: She is obsessed, isn't she?
Rebecca: I can't tell if it's just a terrible show or she's a horrible recapper. And you know what else I'm looking forward to? A whole weekend without Kevin and Randall bickering over everything.

You'd think she never helped a one-night stand birth mom with the adoptive mom as the birthing partner in the middle of a pandemic before.


Uh uh. No group texts. If I can't be in the delivery room because of freaking Covid, then I want personalized updates.


Kevin: We all have sleepover plans this weekend. Parent approved.
Jack: Cancel them. We're going on a family vacation and -
Rebecca: Jack. Let me talk to you over here. Would it be the worst thing in the world if we went away for the weekend without the little grumps?

Man: You're rich, you're famous. You're gonna be their [your kids'] freaking idol.
Kevin: None of that stuff matters, man. My dad wasn't either of those things but he was there. He was the most there person there ever was.

Coach: Kevin excited for his big day?
Jack: I'm not gonna miss a game this season.
Coach: Of course. Gotta watch your boy, right?
Jack: He's not the only one I'm watching. Don't ever call my boy stupid.

He wasn't all bad, my dad. That's what makes our parents loom so large in our heads. They're a million things all at once.


This Is Us Season 5 Quotes

Kevin: Kate, what are you feeling?
Kate: I am feeling... like... we need a massive air hug right now!

Kevin: Twins? Wow. What now?
Madison: I don't know. This all seems to be happening just as the world is falling apart.