Garth: Just the man I'm looking for.
Dick: Find any leads?
Garth: No, could use a little advice though, about Donna.
Dick: I'm not sure I'm the right guy to talk to.
Garth: Oh, right, I'm sorry, probably shouldn't be asking the guy with the whipsmart beautiful, blonde girlfriend.

Donna: We got a hit... from the U.S. military?
Dick: Jacob's activator was for a laser that was developed to take down nuclear missiles.

Themyscira: This is about Garth. Next time don't waste so much energy deflecting. Atlantians are highly skilled warriors and troublemakers. Clearly Garth's been blessed with other noble attributes.
Donna: So, you've been following me?
Themyscira: Surely you don't think I let you run around with your friends without keeping tabs. By the way, the next time you need a good birthday cake, I recommend Tartine on the mission. They have a divine deux cross.
Donna: Hmm, since you know everything, I'll just shut up.
Themyscira: Quite the contrary. You asked for more time here, I granted it. You still have six months left. Whether you want to use it or not, that's your choice.
Donna: Sometimes it's not.

Themyscira: Six months ago, you begged me to stay in San Francisco, insisting you deserve time to explore independence from Diana with your indie rock group of vigilante friends and now you wanna go home?
Donna: I was procrastinating. As a young girl, the idea of becoming a warrior, I couldn't wait. But now that the time has come to actually become it...
Themyscira: We wage the great battles and scars. That seems daunting.
Donna: Yeah. This is my destiny. And I'm ready.

Jason: Where's Dr. Light?
Rachel: Jason.
Jason: Little stealth job when I got here shoots what? Head lamps? I mean, half the city is on fire and still no sign of Dr. Light.
Dick: Not the time, Jason.
Jason: Look, I don't take orders from you anymore, man. I do what I want, when I want.
Dick: Get out of my way.
Jason: I think you got it all wrong. You're in my way. Maybe you need to see your retirement package, huh?

Tamaranean: Don't.
Kory: Sorry.
Tamaranean: What the hell?
Kory: There's food in the galley... ten years worth of it.
Tamaranean: I'll burn my way out of here.
Kory: Not a good idea, it's our only ride home. I'll be back as soon as I can.
Tamaranean: This won't end with me. More will come for you, legions of them.
Kory: Let them come.

Kory: Hey.
Rachel: Hey.
Kory: You're up late, kiddo.
Rachel: I couldn't sleep. Did I catch you at a bad time?
Kory: I got a minute or two. What's up?
Rachel: I was worried.
Kory: About me?
Rachel: That you went back home.
Kory: Rachel.
Rachel: Everybody has come back home, but the thing is, nobody's staying. They're all moving on, and I wondered if you're moving on, too.
Kory: I have to go home, too. I'm sorry.
Rachel: I get it. I mean, you have your own people back there, and I'm just somebody you met. But I don't know, I don't know, I felt like you were my people. If you're going home, maybe I could come see you.
Kory: You don't belong where I come from, Rachel. What's going on?
Rachel: Something's happening to me.
Kory: Like before, with your father?
Rachel: No, this time it's different. When I fought my father, I became something. Something different. And that different thing wants me to be it... all the time, so I spend all day, and all night trying to hold it down, trying to hold it in, trying to keep it in. I'm so tired.
Kory: What would happen if you just let it out?
Rachel: I don't know. I think I would be like when I...
Kory: When you killed your dad?
Rachel: And I don't know if I want to be that all the time. I kind of just want to be normal.
Kory: Have you talked to Dick?
Rachel: No. I have caused enough trouble, that's why I'm telling you.
Kory: It's okay. Sit tight.
Rachel: What?
Kory: I'm on my way.
Rachel: I knew I could count on you.

Jason: Fuck, man.
Gar: You said don't hold back.
Jason: Why would you do it when I was fucking blindfolded?
Gar: You said... don't hold back.
Rachel: Should I get the hose?
Dick: What's going on?
Jason: We did what you said. The blindfold thing. Then he went nuts on me.
Gar: You said don't hold back.
Jason: Why do we even learn to fight like this, man? It's idiotic. We have eyes.
Dick: In battle, anything can be taken from you.

Barista: I have a coffee for Dirt.
Dick: Dirt?

  • Permalink: Dirt?
  • Added:

Dick: I was mad at fate and death, but those are just concepts, you're a person.
Bruce: More or less.

Jason: If I'm Robin, who are you?
Dick: That's a good question.

Donna: Would you just stop blasting it? You're wasting all your power.
Kory: Rachel is in there. Anything could be happening to her.
Donna: Says the woman who was sent here to kill her. Now that she and Dick are in there with some intergalactic demon, maybe you could try something that might actually work.
Kory: Like what, Donna? Or were you hoping the sheer force of your criticism would save her?
Donna: At least I'm not draining my powers just because I can't sit still.
Kory: Says the Titan who quits.
Donna: You really wanna go there, right now?

Titans Season 2 Quotes

Donna: Would you just stop blasting it? You're wasting all your power.
Kory: Rachel is in there. Anything could be happening to her.
Donna: Says the woman who was sent here to kill her. Now that she and Dick are in there with some intergalactic demon, maybe you could try something that might actually work.
Kory: Like what, Donna? Or were you hoping the sheer force of your criticism would save her?
Donna: At least I'm not draining my powers just because I can't sit still.
Kory: Says the Titan who quits.
Donna: You really wanna go there, right now?

Rachel: Let him go.
Trigon: I'm afraid you're grounded -- no more magic.