You are such a chick flick! I would totally pay $12 to see you!


Oh my God! That is so romantic. It's like Julia Roberts flossing before whoring herself in "Pretty Woman".


[Amanda walks in on Henry and Betty about to kiss]
Amanda: Eww dorkus interruptus
Henry and Betty: Get out!
Amanda: Hey everyone, Betty is in heat!

There's Henry, why don't you go make awkward small talk with your friend

Daniel [to Betty]

Inhale Ricky Martin, exhale Colin Farrell


Marc: What took you so long?
Amanda: I had to wait for Christina to go to the bathroom. That woman retains water like a two humped camel.

Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 23 Quotes

Inhale Ricky Martin, exhale Colin Farrell


Marc: What took you so long?
Amanda: I had to wait for Christina to go to the bathroom. That woman retains water like a two humped camel.